System: Linux, (display server: Wayland), Distro ( Manjaro, Ubuntu, problem repduces on both of them ).
StardewValley version:
My linux setup have several keyboard layouts ( not Querty and Dvorak, just different languages ).
When game starts sometimes it's appears to be using wrong keyboard layout, all the keys related to movement do not work all all. I can rebind them to arrow keys, but not to WASD anymore.
However if i restart the game it will pick the correct layout ( sometimes i need 2-3 restarts for it to be picked correctly ).
I tried to replicate this behavior and wrote a tiny C application using SDL. I tried starting multiple times it and typing WASD. Application prints key codes and scancodes of what was pressed.
When application starts sometimes it shows keys as if using Querty and sometimes of another layout.
Now sometimes when i run my app and press WASD i get this:
This feels exactly how StardewValley behaves, sometimes using correct WASD and other times refusing to recogize any symbol other than arrows and space.
I suspect that StardewValley uses keysym approach to read keyboard pressed, and so this issue may be fixed if the game would start using scancodes instead.
System: Linux, (display server: Wayland), Distro ( Manjaro, Ubuntu, problem repduces on both of them ).
StardewValley version:
My linux setup have several keyboard layouts ( not Querty and Dvorak, just different languages ).
When game starts sometimes it's appears to be using wrong keyboard layout, all the keys related to movement do not work all all. I can rebind them to arrow keys, but not to WASD anymore.
However if i restart the game it will pick the correct layout ( sometimes i need 2-3 restarts for it to be picked correctly ).
I tried to replicate this behavior and wrote a tiny C application using SDL. I tried starting multiple times it and typing WASD. Application prints key codes and scancodes of what was pressed.
When application starts sometimes it shows keys as if using Querty and sometimes of another layout.
while (!quit) {
SDL_Event e;
if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) {
quit = true;
if (e.type != SDL_KEYDOWN)
printf("scancode: %d, keysym: %c\n", e.key.keysym.scancode, e.key.keysym.sym);
Other times this ( pressing same WASD):scancode: 26, keysym: w
scancode: 4, keysym: a
scancode: 22, keysym: s
scancode: 7, keysym: d
Note, that scancodes are always the same, only keysym is different.scancode: 26, keysym: F
scancode: 4, keysym: D
scancode: 22, keysym: K
scancode: 7, keysym: 2
This feels exactly how StardewValley behaves, sometimes using correct WASD and other times refusing to recogize any symbol other than arrows and space.
I suspect that StardewValley uses keysym approach to read keyboard pressed, and so this issue may be fixed if the game would start using scancodes instead.