More stuff like the community upgrade and Trash Bear


I feel like the inclusion of the community upgrade in 1.3 and the Trash bear in 1.4 were amazing, so why not expand on the idea of making the town more beautiful and helping the villagers. What if there would be multiple community upgrades you could pick from, like, making an art gallery, or, if you pick the community center path in helping the town, build a new shack for shane simce he cant pay his rent. Also, what if there are more creatures like trash bear, for example, another creature that puts more flowers around town if you do it's quests.


Staff member
It would be great to see more community improvements you could work on! Given that 1.4 had two, the trash bear and restoring the abandoned Jojamart, I feel like there's a good chance we'll see more stuff like this in the future. Although there may be a limit to how many things need improvements :P


More ways to spend money that benefit the community would be great! Our current gold balance is now up over 30 million and we'd love to have something to spend it on. Supporting the arts would be fun. Or refurbishing the beat-up lockers in the spa.
I think Marnie lets Shane live rent-free since he helps out with chores and the animals. His work on her ranch is his rent.

I do love the art gallery idea. Could have some of Leah's works displayed.