Monthly Prompt Submission Thread: June 2021 - Pride


Staff member
Welcome to the first monthly forum prompt! This month's prompt is: "Pride".

How does the prompt work?

Each month a new theme will be selected, and anyone can submit a creative work based on that theme. This could take the form of artwork, writing, a game mod, or even a farm design! Here's how you can submit something:
  • Post your submission on the forums in the Fan Works or Valley Showcase section, or as a mod.
  • Once you've posted your submission to the forums, share a link to it in this thread!
  • Submissions should be related to both the prompt and Stardew Valley itself.
  • Please only submit original work.
Please keep replies here limited to submissions. If you'd like to respond to someone's entry, we encourage you do so in that thread. If you have feedback, please share it in Forum Feedback. We encourage ideas for future prompts or other suggestions there!

The thread will be open until the end of the month, after which we will select some of our favorite submissions to highlight!
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