Hi there! Be sure to read our rules if you haven't!
The Modding Discussion forum is for everything about Stardew Valley mods! Show off your mods, give tips, provide information or really just discuss mods in general. All of that goodness and more is welcome here.
Your mods will be redirected in Mods, not here! When you create a mod and post it in the mods section, you'll also be making a thread where it gives all the necessary information and allows for discussion of your mod.
Be sure to keep threads on-topic! Anything not related to Stardew Valley mods will be moved to the proper forum.
Do not send uploads or link to mods outside of their source unless they allow it! Mod creators often have a policy on whether or not their work can be redistributed on other sites and platforms, including places like the forums. Please respect the mod creators' wishes and only share mods directly if you have express permission to. (Please note that most mods on Naver are against redistributing, so we will be removing most of these posts.) Similarly, only mods that are open-source can be updated as well. You can see unofficial updates for mods in this thread.
Thank you for reading!
The Modding Discussion forum is for everything about Stardew Valley mods! Show off your mods, give tips, provide information or really just discuss mods in general. All of that goodness and more is welcome here.
Your mods will be redirected in Mods, not here! When you create a mod and post it in the mods section, you'll also be making a thread where it gives all the necessary information and allows for discussion of your mod.
Be sure to keep threads on-topic! Anything not related to Stardew Valley mods will be moved to the proper forum.
Do not send uploads or link to mods outside of their source unless they allow it! Mod creators often have a policy on whether or not their work can be redistributed on other sites and platforms, including places like the forums. Please respect the mod creators' wishes and only share mods directly if you have express permission to. (Please note that most mods on Naver are against redistributing, so we will be removing most of these posts.) Similarly, only mods that are open-source can be updated as well. You can see unofficial updates for mods in this thread.
Thank you for reading!
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