iOS Mobile 1.6.15 - Crow’s Lost item shop issue and Menue displaying pet names incorrectly


Howdy everyone, new to the forum but seasoned player! I hope I’m posting this correctly ^-^

First things first, I’m decorating my farm house but I’ve noticed that my singing stone is flat out gone. I don’t know if that was Elliot who destroyed it or I carelessly threw it away when rearranging my living room for the millionth time but I figured I would go to the crow in the secret wood as on the wiki is states that you can purchase it. The crow is not there. Part of me felt that maybe I misplayed it in one of my many chests though I’m pretty organised so I decided to test it out with getting rid of a few other items on the list; Leah’s statue and a few other museum reward items. Went to this next day and the crow is there but only has Leah’s statue for sale, none of the other items so I know for a fact that museum reward items are not showing up.

A more minor issue is a visual glitch with the pets on the menu. My original dog is there but it has my cat’s name instead. If I go to the statue of illusions (which still doesn’t have an interface to change your OG dog/cat breed though that might be intentional at this point) and click around a bit and confirm changes, the picture will change to my cat, which sorta fixes it but I would like my first pet to be there. He’s been with me when my farm was a hoard site so deserves some rep for that.

Anyway, any help/confirmation would be great!!