Mix & Matching Interiors & Exteriors


This is kind of a nitpick, but I just think it would be really cool to mix and match the exterior and interior of buildings on your farm. One example (and one I've been slightly annoyed about these past few days) is being able to have the exterior of a fully upgraded cabin without actually upgrading the interior.

Obviously, I don't think it would be fair to be able to do that without going through the upgrading process at least once, but I feel like once you upgrade a cabin/shed as far as possible, you should be able to swap exteriors of other ones on your farm (without changing the interior). It's just an aesthetic thing. It might be annoying if you're in my position and you only want ONE cabin to have the fully upgraded look because then you'd have to renovate it fully and demolish it again...or better yet, there could also be an option where you can choose an interior style at Robin's. This way, say you fully upgrade a cabin and decide you like the exterior but want the inside to be smaller--bam! You can just have her revert the interior.

This was either a long-winded way of saying something super simple, or a confusing jumble of words. Anyways, hope you get the idea! Maybe I'll try to implement this one day as a quality-of-life feature. :proud: