Missed a 10-Heart event (not group 10-heart)


So, I am new to playing Stardew, and I've been playing on mobile. Not sure if that's relevant. This may have been asked before or is common knowledge among veterans, but it's not to me, which is why I'm asking.

I was dating Abigail, got her to 8 hearts, gave her a boquet, and then kept giving gifts to get her to 10 hearts.

I had read on the wiki that the only way to marry someone is by giving them a mermaid pendant, which you can only get when it's raining, and it happened to be raining that day I got her to 10 hearts. Since I had extra money, I got the pendant and handed it to her the same day that I got to 10 hearts with her.
I had not realized that by doing so, I would not be able to trigger the 10 heart event. (I found that out by checking the wiki after triggering the 14 heart event, as I thought that was a little odd at first bc I assumed it was the 10 heart event that hadn't been triggered yet.)
The reason that this makes the 10 heart event unable to trigger, according to the wiki, is now she will not come to the farm and ask you to meet her, as the game is unable to make the checks that need to happen during the night in order to trigger the 10 heart event.

Anyways. I've played a significant amount of time since then, so simply quitting to title and resetting the day won't work, as I had learned of my mistake far past that point anyways. But now I do have access to the witch's hut.

So my ramblings all come down to this question: If I divorce Abigail, and pay to have her memory wiped at the shrine, can I date her again and trigger the 10 heart event when she gets to that point the second time?
Yep should be able to. If you check on here:

Under Social I expect Abigail's 10 heart will show as not having been seen. Assuming that's the case, if you get things into a state where it can trigger, it should. Basically each event has a "has been seen?" flag which gets set preventing them from showing more than once in a save file, but until and unless that's set it'll check for the event triggering any time the relevant conditions are met.

The only truly missable cutscene is Clint's 6 heart one, as that one won't populate if Emily's 8 or 10 heart events have been seen, irrespective of her current heart levels. As you can't "unring that bell" as it were without save file editing, if you haven't seen Clint's 6 heart by then it'll never happen. Every other cutscene is not truly missable, you just need to manipulate conditions such that they can trigger.


Yep should be able to. [...]

The only truly missable cutscene is Clint's 6 heart one, as that one won't populate if Emily's 8 or 10 heart events have been seen, irrespective of her current heart levels. As you can't "unring that bell" as it were without save file editing, if you haven't seen Clint's 6 heart by then it'll never happen. Every other cutscene is not truly missable, you just need to manipulate conditions such that they can trigger.

I was reading on forums last night trying to see if my question was asked before (which honestly, it probably has but I didn't find a thread for it) and I read various answers to other questions that all said the only ones you can miss permanently are Clint's (if you have seen Emily's 8 or 10 heart event), Sam's (as it has to be in the first year), and one other one but idk what that is off the top of my head atm.

Anyways. Thank you for the quick response, I appreciate it.
Good to know about Sam’s 3 heart, I’m very surprised I haven’t missed that one on my current save since I normally ignore everyone year 1 other than birthday gifts and festivals. If you figure out the other one let us know, I’ll look later and try to find it on my side.


Interesting, I was sure Clint's and Sam's were the only missable ones. And yeah, I also mostly ignore people year 1, and yet I get that Sam cutscene fairly commonly. A regular quality loved gift on his (Summer 17) birthday plus a best response at the luau plus one time talking (with the birthday gift) is enough, and he has an easy loved gift of pizza. Or if you've opened the desert, a gold quality cactusfruit on his birthday is more than enough.


Local Legend
So my ramblings all come down to this question: If I divorce Abigail, and pay to have her memory wiped at the shrine, can I date her again and trigger the 10 heart event when she gets to that point the second time?
You can, as far as I understand... but there really isn't much point, except that you want to see it play out.


Good to know about Sam’s 3 heart, I’m very surprised I haven’t missed that one on my current save since I normally ignore everyone year 1 other than birthday gifts and festivals. If you figure out the other one let us know, I’ll look later and try to find it on my side.

I found them!

Permanently missable heart events:

- Sam's 3 heart has to happen before winter year 1
- Clint's 6 heart won't happen if you have seen Emily's 8 or 10 heart
-Penny's 4 heart won't happen if you buy the community upgrade from robin first (though unlikely, however it's still missable. but you can mod this on pc to get around it)
- During Leah's 2 heart, if you pick the creepy answer you will never have the option to see her 8 heart event, as you didn't suggest a career path.

(From Reddit's Stardew sub FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/wiki/faq )


I found them!

Permanently missable heart events:

- Sam's 3 heart has to happen before winter year 1
- Clint's 6 heart won't happen if you have seen Emily's 8 or 10 heart
- Penny's 4 heart won't happen if you buy the community upgrade from robin first (though unlikely, however it's still missable. but you can mod this on pc to get around it)
- During Leah's 2 heart, if you pick the creepy answer you will never have the option to see her 8 heart event, as you didn't suggest a career path.

(From Reddit's Stardew sub FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/wiki/faq )
Leah's 8 heart event can also be missed if you click skip during her 2 heart event since you didn't suggest an option to get her art out there.