Min/Max type video guide of the first season


I discovered Stardew about 2 months ago and got sucked in immediately. I decided to make a min-max type strategy and video series of the first season with the goal of setting the player up to efficiently pursue a perfection rating with spreadsheets.

I only discovered this forum today and I probably wouldn't have done all that theory crafting and video-making if I had known about the quality guides already created by BlackSight6 & Zamiel and NathanAldenSr!

That said, I already made the videos so I'm just gonna share them here in the hopes that they help some folks on the forum.

The playlist is here:

The corresponding shared google sheet is here:

The video series includes me playing through and explaining what I'm doing on each day from Spring 1 through Summer 1. There are several introductory videos as well including videos that explain how to use each of the tabs of the shared google sheet.

Much of the spreadsheet is compiled from work others have already done (with credit given). My main contribution to the spreadsheet is the 'all items' tab where I put together a list of how many of each item you need in the game in order to achieve perfection (for example, you need 1 coral for shipping, 28 coral for crafting purposes, and 10 coral for an obelisk so 39 coral are required in all). That tab also provides (what I hope is) an easy way to keep track of how many of each item you are still missing and how to keep track of items as you gather them.

I'm a big ol' cheater so my strat hinges on using a money glitch (where you name your character a lucrative item number and then repeatedly call Gus so that he says your name). The rest of the strat is glitch-free except for using a chair to get into the Secret Forest about a week early. I use the Progress Bars mod in my videos but my strat doesn't require you to use that or any other mod.

Today I've done some reading on the forum and I can tell that my knowledge of this game is orders of magnitude less than that of many of the posters here. I'm looking forward to diving into the guides of BlackSight6 & Zamiel and NathanAldenSr and I hope to learn a lot about SV from the fine folks on this forum!
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