1.6 Update Marriage Ceremony Changed? or Glitched?


It seems that the marriage ceremony Lewis gives has been truncated? The last time I got married (does that sound weird?) I could have sworn that he didn't say the bit he usually says about declaring the partners husband and wife (or whatever the combination was), but went straight from his spiel about how Farmer is now a recognized member of society to telling the partners to kiss. At least I think those are the parts that happened. The ceremony seemed very short and abrupt. I thought maybe I blacked out or something and missed a section, but I checked with a recent online playthrough video, and the ceremony went from naming the player directly to saying "You may kiss," without ever actually saying they were married. I play on PC and that player I believe plays on console, so it seems to have affected both versions. Was this changed deliberately? I can name the video I watched as a sample if you want.


It seems that the marriage ceremony Lewis gives has been truncated? The last time I got married (does that sound weird?) I could have sworn that he didn't say the bit he usually says about declaring the partners husband and wife (or whatever the combination was), but went straight from his spiel about how Farmer is now a recognized member of society to telling the partners to kiss. At least I think those are the parts that happened. The ceremony seemed very short and abrupt. I thought maybe I blacked out or something and missed a section, but I checked with a recent online playthrough video, and the ceremony went from naming the player directly to saying "You may kiss," without ever actually saying they were married. I play on PC and that player I believe plays on console, so it seems to have affected both versions. Was this changed deliberately? I can name the video I watched as a sample if you want.
It’s changed on mobile iOS as well. A LOT of little things were changed and not all for the better. His game his choice I know. But I would prefer option to use older versions for console and mobile like you can on pc. I don’t know if he is making changes or if his team is loosing things in translating or whatever.


It's not C.A. that changed those things alone... There is a number of entitled entities, that constantly nag and pester (a number of them quite rudely at that), for changes of "this" sort.

Especially noticable in Steam forums.

Despite the game being pretty open and friendly to them or rather to EVERYBODY, they are still being pretty vicious (other than ungrateful), until everything is eventually neutered out.

(i myself miss the old Frog dialogue lines)


It's not C.A. that changed those things alone... There is a number of entitled entities, that constantly nag and pester (a number of them quite rudely at that), for changes of "this" sort.

Especially noticable in Steam forums.

Despite the game being pretty open and friendly to them or rather to EVERYBODY, they are still being pretty vicious (other than ungrateful), until everything is eventually neutered out.

(i myself miss the old Frog dialogue lines)
I really miss the Frog's dialect too. It was much more expressive and lovable than what he says now.

As for the marriage ceremony, it did occur to me that it might be censorship, but if they were trying to censor it, it was really clumsily done. It kind of cuts off in the middle of a statement and it seems clearly incomplete. Looks more like an error. I hope CA doesn't knuckle under to all those knuckleheads.


This is sad news. When did this change happened? None of my farmers had to fulfill the Gourmand Frog's requests for many IRL months...
Frog aside I think Ginger island while beautiful should never have been a part of the game. You conquer the island , take it over, make it a plantation and resort, Joja even come in with an ugly golden parrot that stands exactly where Leo used to stand, and Mr Qi uses it as a secret headquarters to spy on Stardew valley and its inhabitants and goodness knows what else. It’s just to realistic of all the irl islands and land that were conquered, the natives all but disappeared usually cause we took them captive or killed them off entirely and we profited this land solely for extra material wealth. Too sad and realistic imho and there are hundreds of Stardew fans who agree.
Frog aside I think Ginger island while beautiful should never have been a part of the game. You conquer the island , take it over, make it a plantation and resort, Joja even come in with an ugly golden parrot that stands exactly where Leo used to stand, <snip>
I mean, this is hardly colonization of the New World here. The farmer goes to the island and gives the parrots the bribes they demand in golden walnuts. You’re not forcing anyone off the land or putting them in chains. At most you could argue there’s some gentrification, but none of the islands inhabitants are protesting at any step of the way.

possible exception for Joja, I’ve never done the Joja route, but if you choose to Joja you can hardly complain about Joja being bad.
Frog aside I think Ginger island while beautiful should never have been a part of the game. You conquer the island , take it over, make it a plantation and resort, Joja even come in with an ugly golden parrot that stands exactly where Leo used to stand, and Mr Qi uses it as a secret headquarters to spy on Stardew valley and its inhabitants and goodness knows what else. It’s just to realistic of all the irl islands and land that were conquered, the natives all but disappeared usually cause we took them captive or killed them off entirely and we profited this land solely for extra material wealth. Too sad and realistic imho and there are hundreds of Stardew fans who agree.
Respectfully I disagree with pretty much all of this. First, I think Ginger Island is an incredibly cool and successful expansion which adds a ton to the game, and I'm a huge fan of it. I'm so glad it was made, I was shocked that such a huge patch was just rolled into the base game instead of selling it as an add on or expansion, frankly the latter would have been absolutely justified. I suspect the reason he didn't go that route is because the success of the project has already been beyond his wildest dreams and he both wanted to do something great for everyone who has supported him and make future patch management much simpler by not having diverging builds for those with or without the expansion.

Setting aside the fact that I'm glad it's part of the game, I also disagree with pretty much all of the characterization. You aren't "conquering" the island, there's no one to conquer it from. Leo is a shipwreck survivor, and Professor Snail had his life saved by you and his research completed by you while otherwise being totally unimpacted by your presence or the development done. Secret Lairs are cool too, and Mr. Qi never did anything to harm anyone which I'm aware of.

And as far as the "realism", while I pretty wildly disagree with how realistic anything related to Ginger Island is, in virtually any way (how is there a functional forge just chilling in the middle of a volcano; how are all crops able to be grown without any weather or seasonal limitations at all; how are there these magic birds that eat these scattered but discrete walnuts and do major construction work in return; I could go on and on), I don't even agree with your characterization of what is a purportedly "realistic" sequence of events, of conquering islands and natives all but disappearing etc. I don't know who the "we" is supposed to be which is taking natives captive or killing them off but it certainly doesn't include me. Furthermore, there's no populace which is truly "native" to an island, by the very nature of islands. Just like Leo, they all came from somewhere, just a question of when. And when they settled there, they did so exactly for profiting off the land for comfort and material wealth, inherently island-settling folks are explorers who found something there worth putting down roots. Beyond that, coming into conflict with other sailing cultures and warring over ownership of islands is a part of history generically and is hardly limited to one group or ethnicity.

So, tl;dr, no, none of that is right in my opinion. Not in terms of the merits of Ginger Island as a part of the game, not in terms of its characterization of the events of Ginger Island, and certainly not in terms of the 'realistic' events it purportedly parallels.


It seems that the marriage ceremony Lewis gives has been truncated? The last time I got married (does that sound weird?) I could have sworn that he didn't say the bit he usually says about declaring the partners husband and wife (or whatever the combination was), but went straight from his spiel about how Farmer is now a recognized member of society to telling the partners to kiss. At least I think those are the parts that happened. The ceremony seemed very short and abrupt. I thought maybe I blacked out or something and missed a section, but I checked with a recent online playthrough video, and the ceremony went from naming the player directly to saying "You may kiss," without ever actually saying they were married. I play on PC and that player I believe plays on console, so it seems to have affected both versions. Was this changed deliberately? I can name the video I watched as a sample if you want.
This does appear to be a bug with the 1.6 update! Thanks for reporting it. We'll see what the appropriate fix will be.


Respectfully I disagree with pretty much all of this. First, I think Ginger Island is an incredibly cool and successful expansion which adds a ton to the game, and I'm a huge fan of it. I'm so glad it was made, I was shocked that such a huge patch was just rolled into the base game instead of selling it as an add on or expansion, frankly the latter would have been absolutely justified. I suspect the reason he didn't go that route is because the success of the project has already been beyond his wildest dreams and he both wanted to do something great for everyone who has supported him and make future patch management much simpler by not having diverging builds for those with or without the expansion.

Setting aside the fact that I'm glad it's part of the game, I also disagree with pretty much all of the characterization. You aren't "conquering" the island, there's no one to conquer it from. Leo is a shipwreck survivor, and Professor Snail had his life saved by you and his research completed by you while otherwise being totally unimpacted by your presence or the development done. Secret Lairs are cool too, and Mr. Qi never did anything to harm anyone which I'm aware of.

And as far as the "realism", while I pretty wildly disagree with how realistic anything related to Ginger Island is, in virtually any way (how is there a functional forge just chilling in the middle of a volcano; how are all crops able to be grown without any weather or seasonal limitations at all; how are there these magic birds that eat these scattered but discrete walnuts and do major construction work in return; I could go on and on), I don't even agree with your characterization of what is a purportedly "realistic" sequence of events, of conquering islands and natives all but disappearing etc. I don't know who the "we" is supposed to be which is taking natives captive or killing them off but it certainly doesn't include me. Furthermore, there's no populace which is truly "native" to an island, by the very nature of islands. Just like Leo, they all came from somewhere, just a question of when. And when they settled there, they did so exactly for profiting off the land for comfort and material wealth, inherently island-settling folks are explorers who found something there worth putting down roots. Beyond that, coming into conflict with other sailing cultures and warring over ownership of islands is a part of history generically and is hardly limited to one group or ethnicity.

So, tl;dr, no, none of that is right in my opinion. Not in terms of the merits of Ginger Island as a part of the game, not in terms of its characterization of the events of Ginger Island, and certainly not in terms of the 'realistic' events it purportedly parallels.
In general I agree with you. But I very much dislike the 1.6 Joja parrot and that creep hanging out in the mushroom cave. I guess they might be useful to speedrunners or somebody, and they certainly do carry forward the spirit of Joja, but they are awful, very disruptive to the atmosphere of Ginger Island.