Meadowlands Farm Major Mayo test chicken farm


Going mass crops under quality sprinklers ASAP is the best money-making for power/speed runs. But can Colonel Sanders be better? To test this Private Major Mayo started a farm. And Sargent Major Major who was promoted to Major Major Major ( ) is close family...


The plan:
- limit farming to personal use/gifts early on, no mass crops for profit
- go as fast as possible with chickens, coops, then mayo-making
- snapshot daily mayo profits mid-summer and compare to profits given by blueberries under ~40 quality sprinklers
- observe problems or advantages of mass chickens run

The start:
For the first ~week I had no crops. I would say going for 20 speed grow + 20 strawberries would be best for this farm type so seeds day one from Pierre. It's kind of fun when there is nothing to water and fishing/tree chopping can commence without a delay.

To make mayo machine you need farming level 2 which is easy but being greedy rushing to level 5 for rancher would be nice - ~20 strawberries and a run of kale should do it in combination with chickens (petting and picking up eggs gives farming exp). As I didn't plant anything early I got to level 5 last week of spring (to then sell all stashed mayo). Artisan is better for profits but it's at level 10... and coopmaster/shepard has benefits.

The game starts with 2 chickens and with a bit of fishing, two more can be bought quickly. Then it becomes important to get a silo so hay can be gathered - the more rainy days the more hay will be used which can eat into the initial starter pack and then Marnie remains or building that silo - clay needed and mines can help:

Getting clay by resetting and digging on elevator level in the mines (this one is 15).

With the silo secured and the coop at the 4/4 limit, we would have to increase it. Building new coops is cheaper than upgrading but upgrading at least one to a big coop (8/8) gives Hay Hopper (handy to take out hay and cut more grass) and egg incubator - an option for self-hatched chickens but also unlocks void egg events to happen and you may get a dino egg early...

The meadowlands farm has a lot of trees so cutting those for wood early on covers wood for construction (using some fish for energy). Clearing ground around trees also helps with seed spreading which should be gathered to make forests at the train station and later desert.

Rainy day fishing haul

Fishing early on pays the bills - build/upgrade coop, upgrade axe, and then pickaxe to copper, backpack, better fishing rod...

Things you do to dance with Haley...

True love...

End of spring:
Spring ended with 2 Big coops and one normal coop ready and empty ready to be added to the line (some fence has to be moved...). 15 chickens and 1 duck, a few still young, and only some lay large eggs.

Daily mayo run was like 4 gold (342g each) and 10 normal (228g each) quality mayo so around 3648g per day by the very end of spring (25536g/week). As the happiness increases more large eggs will be there. It may not look like much but I have the resources to continue scaling this. There should be enough trees to upgrade the third coop and start the fourth one + green rain in summer boosting tree growth (train station forest).

I did some mines but I didn't explicitly farm for each ore aside from repeating some copper levels early on to get more earth crystals for mayo machines as I found only 2 on the way down. With chickens run you can stop at copper levels really. If you want double income in summer with some sprinklers - just going down to the 120 level gave me resources for ~34 quality sprinklers with 10 more available with more iron bars. (copper axe, steel pickaxe). With a sprinkler focus run I would have around 40-50 sprinklers ready for summer.

So minimal/essentials would be copper, clay, and earth crystal from initial ~20 mine levels (then also stone from those 2x2 large stone nodes). Fishing for energy food and initial funds, then wood harvesting, and pretty much it. Very low intensity and you can sit with your chickens and then fish. Lots of avenues for optimization though... I ended up spring with farming level 7, Mining 6, Foraging 5, Fishing 9, Combat 6 which is somewhat on the higher side than needed as I went through the whole mines.

Chicken advantages/disadvantages

- can be done with low mines/combat requirement
- cutting more trees levels up foraging so you may be level 4 for salmonberry days (2 berries per bush!)
- you can skip mass crop planting so you aren't bound to long watering day by day

- you have to find chickens in the grass to pet them ;)
- 8/8 coop already causes grass to recess - mass coop side by side will likely require a lot of blocked patches so it maintains the spread
- Marnie isn't running the shop every day ;)
- it's easier to place the coop on the farm planner than when actually planning and constant fence changes are needed
- the more chickens the more daily chores
- you will run out of quick wood and will have to rely on green rain and Robin (tree fertilizer kicks on later on).

To get a large egg we need chicken that is happy and in a good mood. Void chickens give slightly lower income but don't have to be that happy so they can eat hay and live in a closed coop (no space for grass needed). Dinosaur needs the Artifact Appraisal Guide to be close profit-wise (yet below) but also doesn't require grass, processing, and requires harvesting only once per week instead of daily. Some options for even more lazy coop run ;)

Coop placement:
Farm planner fun with placing coops

If you are going for open coops where animals go eat grass some space has to be reserved for the grass. It's best to place coops on non-tillable edges next to tileable ones where grass can spread. Ideally, you would build two vertical rows of coops with one tile space in between them and a grass strip in between the rows - that way both rows share one strip of grass-land. On Meadowland it doesn't fit and the second best seems to be overlap positioning where both doors are accessible but the remaining part is blocked by the next coop. This fits well with the tileable/no-tillable area of the farm as seen in the design above.

Theoretical vertical coop placement on the forest farm.

Summer gold:
This is to be determined. 40 quality sprinklers with blueberries that are around 166k profit selling raw in summer (25,6k for seeds) - so very focused mining, going ham with strawberries to have gold for seeds, tool upgrades, fishing for energy food and bonus income - very min/max gameplay. Also, 40 quality sprinklers cover a large area... at some point, you run out of space.

Assuming 50% large egg I would need around 11 normal and 11 large eggs daily to turn into mayo on Rancher. That's a bit less than 3 full big coops (22/24) which I almost have (but it will take time to age and pet the chickens so early income will be lower, and later income will be higher for the same quantity of chickens). And I will have the third coop upgraded to big soon, not to mention 3 coops won't take a lot of space... be continued.

- - farm planner
- - crops profit/harvests planner


First days of summer - planting forest near the train station:

This can give wood for future builds and/or moss farm, mushroom logs are an option.

Cutting down all trees in Cindersap forest:

Should be enough for like 2 big coops.

Green rain hit after a week:


And some more moss the next day. This moss can be stashed for farming mastery statue or to spam some mushroom logs (or worm bins into deluxe worm bins)

Green rain also speed-grow most of my forest and pretty much all of Cindersap forest got full regrown so in theory I have enough wood for a lot of big coops.

It's not even the middle of summer and I'm finishing the fourth big coop: