Lost my watering can


You can't craft it, did you put it in a chest somewhere? I read that you can check to see if it ended up at Marlon's where you can buy it back, but I'm not sure how it would have ended up there... unless you passed out and someone took it? If so then it is at Marlon's.


Always check the Fridge. It's the prime place to put useful things like Watering Cans, Galaxy Swords and Legends to make Sashimi from.
Yes, just to keep your weapons well chilled, of course. And there's nothing so bitter sweet as that Legendary-Sashimi. On one hand, you've become the world's best Sashimi maker, using the most pristine ingredients ever to be caught on this side of the Gem sea. On the other hand, your glorious fish is gone, never to be replaced.
Silly me, it was inside one of the chests.
Glad you found it!