Long list of Suggestions


I love this game and spent countless hours playing it despite owning other games which are more "expensive" or "complicated".

Note that below are my personal comments/opinion made after *numerous* solo play times of year 1 and 2 with the goal of finishing the main objectives as early as possible, avoiding the "too rich, nothing matters" state of the later years. No cheats and mods. So this is focused on the replayability factor of the game which is already good but can be improved. Needless to say if you play a game multiple times, it is more "fun" if choosing different options can be equally effective or at least close if done properly. This is more about the technical aspect of the game rather than the aesthetics and content.

I. Remove bugs that ruin and discourage normal gameplay. Like item duplication, collecting tapper/honey/etc on later time to reduce processing time, and more. Yes it is easy to cheat but at least try to make it hard.

II. Professions

Despite the possibility to switch professions, and the fact that the game is made so that you can do any activity available if you want, it is still good to balance them based on usefulness and profitability.
You will notice "Artisan" being mentioned multiple times because it almost requirement instead of an option.

A. Farming - if you choose the Rancher path, you are already way behind.
Animal farming only produce a limited amount of products due to building (cost and building time) requirement. Not to mention petting, and collecting/putting hay, and getting a silo.
Compared to crops which is only limited on the farm space. And seeds are cheap. Making Tiller an easy choice in early game when you sell your crops before Artisan.
Yes, you can still farm crops with Rancher path but in a large scale, the difference is easily seen. Selling animal products directly is underwhelming, and this includes non-Iridium Truffles.
Turning animal products into artisan goods is more beneficial if you choose the Tiller -> Artisan path (+40%) rather than the rancher path (+20%), which I call the 40/20 issue.
Coopmaster and Shepherd does not offer enough to balance this. Aside from the 40/20 issue, killing Mummies are a better source of Cloth than Wool.
Only thing making animal farming profitable are Iridium Truffles and you don't even need Rancher for it, just Gatherer + Botanist. Also a Deluxe farm is expensive so you would still rely on Artisan to buy it.
Milk and Cheese is also good for cooking. Gold cheese is good food while mining. For profit, again, the 40/20 issue.

1) Knowing enough, Keg/Jar products are better than average. Other artisan products like honey and cheese are average or below average.
2) Artisan (the profession bonus) is better than average (compared to other professions).
3) Keg/Jar products + Artisan bonus = way better then average
4) Artisan (the profession bonus) also benefits animal products and does it even better than the Animal Profession Rancher
5) Iridium Truffles (the best that animal farming has) does not benefit from Rancher but from Gatherer + Botanist

Possible options:
1) Replace Artisan with something else that is more focused on crops. Maybe something with fertilizers or sprinklers. This would be the easiest instead of changing everything else.
2) Even if you change Artisan from 40% to 1%, keg/jar products would still be better than many things in the game. Maybe that is fine since this is a farming game, maybe not.
Maybe set the same amount of increase for Rancher and Artisan (both +20%). Then still buff animal products, both processed and unprocessed. If not more quality then more quantity. Iridium truffles are already good.

B. Mining - internal balance is fine in a weird way.
Miner is good and Geologist is really bad. On the other hand, Blacksmith and Prospector are equally bad as Geologist while Excavator and Gemologist are also good like Miner.
Miner - 100% chance of +1 ore is very good due to the fact that ore rocks are so common.
Geologist - gems are already rare, and then you put a 50% chance for it not to be doubled which is bad.
Blacksmith - No one sells bars after trying to. First, they are needed for the game and takes additional effort to make. Then there is the scarcity of coal. And also, the sell price is too low. So +50% does not do enough.
Prospector - Doubling the small chance does not do much. Even with scarcity of coal, you would think that this is a better choice but no, it is better to choose other professions and just buy/make coal or kill dust sprites with Burglar ring.
Reasons for coal scarcity: Preserves Jars, Bee Houses, Bars for Tappers/Kegs/Crystalariums/etc, bombs and more. See most of this is because of Artisan.
Gemologist - Really strong in late game with Crystalarium. Also in early game it makes sense since you will be selling gems and keeping ores.
But how early does one get to Level 10 mining? Then compare this to Artisan which is +40% even tough kegs/jars are easier to produce than crystalariums.
But then again Crystalariums only need to be fed once.
Excavator - Not exciting but okay. Maybe if processing multiple geodes is faster/easier. Feeling another itch to mention Artisan.

C. Foraging
I have always chosen Gatherer + Botanist so there may be bias. Although there are reasons why:
1) Forester - You can still chop wood and also it can be bought.
2) Lumberjack - you only need a set amount of hardwood in my opinion. Maybe add more places to place casks.
3) Tapper - the cost of tappers is too high, processing time too long, and the sell price of products are low.
4) Gatherer + Botanist - is too good to miss especially with Pigs -> Iridium Truffles. Also strong with winter farming.
5) Tracker - close to useless. Maybe replace.

D. Fishing
Fishing is only done when it is needed (as early game food, quests, time filler, and community center bundles). It is time consuming so it is not used for profit.
I always choose Trapper and place 5-8 crab pots in the farmhouse. Then sell the fish and recycle the junk. Accumulate Periwinkles until House Upgrade for Sashimi.
You get to Level 10 Fishing for completeness. The Fish Pond also has low usefulness/profit for its cost/space/effort.

E. Combat
There are lots of ways to improve on combat (take inspiration on ARPG's out there, they copy each other all the time anyway).
I always choose Fighter -> Brute which makes more sense to kill monsters faster.
Defender - is boring and can be better if it increased defence (reduced damage taken) instead. Also you have infinite food anyway to heal.
This makes the whole other branch (Scout -> Acrobat/Desperado) redundant.

One way to go is replace Defender with Acrobat or Scout. Then Defender (increased defence) is the new level 5 profession to replace Scout.
Under the new Level 5 defender are two new Level 10 professions (focused on defense) - maybe thorns and the old defender (+50 HP not just +25) but change name.
With that you have two branches where one focuses on dealing damage and the other in taking damage.

III. Others
- Cooking and crafting: always use up the lower quality ingredients/items to avoid wasting the higher ones
- Add a Notebook where you can write something and see it later (for when you leave a game for a few days and come back to know what were up to or something).
- Forage crops (from Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter seeds) sometimes leave untilled soil and lost fertilizer after harvesting. Better if not.
- Slime Hutches occupy too much farm space for what it does. Maybe change?
- Mills can be useful but the food make with rice/sugar/flour, I always compare with Sashimi and Gold quality cheese which are easy to get.
- Weapon drops in Skull Cavern to be rebalanced based on Galaxy Sword. All you need is one prismatic shard then these weapon drops are put straight to trash.
- Rethink death penalty in the mines, usually this just equates to a reload of the day. Maybe just lose time?
- After fainting - don't save automatically. Ask user if he wants to save or proceed to the next day.
- After waking up, start with the game paused (opened inventory). Or maybe just an option.

IV. Less important others and wishful thinking :)
- Add option to put all items into a chest.
- Add option to put all items from inventory to a chest only for items that both exist in the chest and the inventory. For example, I open my ore chest and push this button. Then only the ores from my inventory will be put there.
- Add option to lower a quality of an item (therefore making more space in the inventory/chest)
- Fixed location of items on inventory upon pick up/placement? For example, if I get gold cheese from chest or cheese maker, it will always put on the top-right except if said item is already in the inventory.
- Luck indicator in interface in case you forget from TV.
- Other ways to get Red Cabbage in year 1? Hehe this is just a personal thing, it is the only thing making community center completion in the first Year hard/impossible (if not on the Secret shop).
- Other ways to permanently increase health or other sources or Iridium milk? In the end you don't even need the all the star drops for energy but need more health to utilize the best food.
- Make it easier to check valid areas (scarecrow range, beehouse flower range, sprinklers)
- Missing tools/items how to locate? Hehe sometimes we misplace them or forgot it was at Clint's.
- Toolbelt? so that tools will not occupy inventory space, although this will mess up the hotkeys so just an idea.
- Improve slingshot aiming to just where the mouse is and make it faster?
- Able to move kegs/jars/crystalariums while processing? I guess its hard to do.
- Common mushrooms are not so common (if you take the fuit bat cave) :)
- Gift log (to know loved and like gifts) to be account wide instead of character wide? People will look into the wiki anyway.
- Show names of missing collected items instead of ??? (again people will look into the wiki anyway).


I actually tend to take the Tapper profession because I usually keep a lot of trees on my farms for tapping. Not only that, but also because I think the Botanist profession would make earning gold too easy, as I like a bit more of a challenge. But admittedly I am a bit hypocritical in that regard, because I always pick Artisan. It really is the way to go. However, I do believe that the Tapper profession could afford a buff, because it is definitely underwhelming in comparison to the Botanist profession. My suggestion? On top of what it already does (increasing the sale price of tapper yields), have it make tappers take less time to yield product. I'd personally go for cutting tapping time in half, much like how the Coopmaster profession cuts incubation time in half. This further increases tapper profit by making them ready for harvest more frequently.


But admittedly I am a bit hypocritical in that regard, because I always pick Artisan
Yes, I even noticed I forgot to mention Agriculturist. That's because of Artisan's shadow lol.

My suggestion? On top of what it already does (increasing the sale price of tapper yields), have it make tappers take less time to yield product. I'd personally go for cutting tapping time in half, much like how the Coopmaster profession cuts incubation time in half. This further increases tapper profit by making them ready for harvest more frequently.
Yes agree with tapper buffs - to improve the yields (processing time and/or quantity per harvest) . Considering that tapper "syrups" are needed to craft other things and the "big" farm space needed for multiple trees.


Staff member
Lots of good ideas here!
- Add option to put all items from inventory to a chest only for items that both exist in the chest and the inventory. For example, I open my ore chest and push this button. Then only the ores from my inventory will be put there.
This already exists in the game! It was added in 1.4 :)


I love this game and spent countless hours playing it despite owning other games which are more "expensive" or "complicated".

Note that below are my personal comments/opinion made after *numerous* solo play times of year 1 and 2 with the goal of finishing the main objectives as early as possible, avoiding the "too rich, nothing matters" state of the later years. No cheats and mods. So this is focused on the replayability factor of the game which is already good but can be improved. Needless to say if you play a game multiple times, it is more "fun" if choosing different options can be equally effective or at least close if done properly. This is more about the technical aspect of the game rather than the aesthetics and content.

I. Remove bugs that ruin and discourage normal gameplay. Like item duplication, collecting tapper/honey/etc on later time to reduce processing time, and more. Yes it is easy to cheat but at least try to make it hard.

II. Professions

Despite the possibility to switch professions, and the fact that the game is made so that you can do any activity available if you want, it is still good to balance them based on usefulness and profitability.
You will notice "Artisan" being mentioned multiple times because it almost requirement instead of an option.

A. Farming - if you choose the Rancher path, you are already way behind.
Animal farming only produce a limited amount of products due to building (cost and building time) requirement. Not to mention petting, and collecting/putting hay, and getting a silo.
Compared to crops which is only limited on the farm space. And seeds are cheap. Making Tiller an easy choice in early game when you sell your crops before Artisan.
Yes, you can still farm crops with Rancher path but in a large scale, the difference is easily seen. Selling animal products directly is underwhelming, and this includes non-Iridium Truffles.
Turning animal products into artisan goods is more beneficial if you choose the Tiller -> Artisan path (+40%) rather than the rancher path (+20%), which I call the 40/20 issue.
Coopmaster and Shepherd does not offer enough to balance this. Aside from the 40/20 issue, killing Mummies are a better source of Cloth than Wool.
Only thing making animal farming profitable are Iridium Truffles and you don't even need Rancher for it, just Gatherer + Botanist. Also a Deluxe farm is expensive so you would still rely on Artisan to buy it.
Milk and Cheese is also good for cooking. Gold cheese is good food while mining. For profit, again, the 40/20 issue.

1) Knowing enough, Keg/Jar products are better than average. Other artisan products like honey and cheese are average or below average.
2) Artisan (the profession bonus) is better than average (compared to other professions).
3) Keg/Jar products + Artisan bonus = way better then average
4) Artisan (the profession bonus) also benefits animal products and does it even better than the Animal Profession Rancher
5) Iridium Truffles (the best that animal farming has) does not benefit from Rancher but from Gatherer + Botanist

Possible options:
1) Replace Artisan with something else that is more focused on crops. Maybe something with fertilizers or sprinklers. This would be the easiest instead of changing everything else.
2) Even if you change Artisan from 40% to 1%, keg/jar products would still be better than many things in the game. Maybe that is fine since this is a farming game, maybe not.
Maybe set the same amount of increase for Rancher and Artisan (both +20%). Then still buff animal products, both processed and unprocessed. If not more quality then more quantity. Iridium truffles are already good.

B. Mining - internal balance is fine in a weird way.
Miner is good and Geologist is really bad. On the other hand, Blacksmith and Prospector are equally bad as Geologist while Excavator and Gemologist are also good like Miner.
Miner - 100% chance of +1 ore is very good due to the fact that ore rocks are so common.
Geologist - gems are already rare, and then you put a 50% chance for it not to be doubled which is bad.
Blacksmith - No one sells bars after trying to. First, they are needed for the game and takes additional effort to make. Then there is the scarcity of coal. And also, the sell price is too low. So +50% does not do enough.
Prospector - Doubling the small chance does not do much. Even with scarcity of coal, you would think that this is a better choice but no, it is better to choose other professions and just buy/make coal or kill dust sprites with Burglar ring.
Reasons for coal scarcity: Preserves Jars, Bee Houses, Bars for Tappers/Kegs/Crystalariums/etc, bombs and more. See most of this is because of Artisan.
Gemologist - Really strong in late game with Crystalarium. Also in early game it makes sense since you will be selling gems and keeping ores.
But how early does one get to Level 10 mining? Then compare this to Artisan which is +40% even tough kegs/jars are easier to produce than crystalariums.
But then again Crystalariums only need to be fed once.
Excavator - Not exciting but okay. Maybe if processing multiple geodes is faster/easier. Feeling another itch to mention Artisan.

C. Foraging
I have always chosen Gatherer + Botanist so there may be bias. Although there are reasons why:
1) Forester - You can still chop wood and also it can be bought.
2) Lumberjack - you only need a set amount of hardwood in my opinion. Maybe add more places to place casks.
3) Tapper - the cost of tappers is too high, processing time too long, and the sell price of products are low.
4) Gatherer + Botanist - is too good to miss especially with Pigs -> Iridium Truffles. Also strong with winter farming.
5) Tracker - close to useless. Maybe replace.

D. Fishing
Fishing is only done when it is needed (as early game food, quests, time filler, and community center bundles). It is time consuming so it is not used for profit.
I always choose Trapper and place 5-8 crab pots in the farmhouse. Then sell the fish and recycle the junk. Accumulate Periwinkles until House Upgrade for Sashimi.
You get to Level 10 Fishing for completeness. The Fish Pond also has low usefulness/profit for its cost/space/effort.

E. Combat
There are lots of ways to improve on combat (take inspiration on ARPG's out there, they copy each other all the time anyway).
I always choose Fighter -> Brute which makes more sense to kill monsters faster.
Defender - is boring and can be better if it increased defence (reduced damage taken) instead. Also you have infinite food anyway to heal.
This makes the whole other branch (Scout -> Acrobat/Desperado) redundant.

One way to go is replace Defender with Acrobat or Scout. Then Defender (increased defence) is the new level 5 profession to replace Scout.
Under the new Level 5 defender are two new Level 10 professions (focused on defense) - maybe thorns and the old defender (+50 HP not just +25) but change name.
With that you have two branches where one focuses on dealing damage and the other in taking damage.

III. Others
- Cooking and crafting: always use up the lower quality ingredients/items to avoid wasting the higher ones
- Add a Notebook where you can write something and see it later (for when you leave a game for a few days and come back to know what were up to or something).
- Forage crops (from Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter seeds) sometimes leave untilled soil and lost fertilizer after harvesting. Better if not.
- Slime Hutches occupy too much farm space for what it does. Maybe change?
- Mills can be useful but the food make with rice/sugar/flour, I always compare with Sashimi and Gold quality cheese which are easy to get.
- Weapon drops in Skull Cavern to be rebalanced based on Galaxy Sword. All you need is one prismatic shard then these weapon drops are put straight to trash.
- Rethink death penalty in the mines, usually this just equates to a reload of the day. Maybe just lose time?
- After fainting - don't save automatically. Ask user if he wants to save or proceed to the next day.
- After waking up, start with the game paused (opened inventory). Or maybe just an option.

IV. Less important others and wishful thinking :)
- Add option to put all items into a chest.
- Add option to put all items from inventory to a chest only for items that both exist in the chest and the inventory. For example, I open my ore chest and push this button. Then only the ores from my inventory will be put there.
- Add option to lower a quality of an item (therefore making more space in the inventory/chest)
- Fixed location of items on inventory upon pick up/placement? For example, if I get gold cheese from chest or cheese maker, it will always put on the top-right except if said item is already in the inventory.
- Luck indicator in interface in case you forget from TV.
- Other ways to get Red Cabbage in year 1? Hehe this is just a personal thing, it is the only thing making community center completion in the first Year hard/impossible (if not on the Secret shop).
- Other ways to permanently increase health or other sources or Iridium milk? In the end you don't even need the all the star drops for energy but need more health to utilize the best food.
- Make it easier to check valid areas (scarecrow range, beehouse flower range, sprinklers)
- Missing tools/items how to locate? Hehe sometimes we misplace them or forgot it was at Clint's.
- Toolbelt? so that tools will not occupy inventory space, although this will mess up the hotkeys so just an idea.
- Improve slingshot aiming to just where the mouse is and make it faster?
- Able to move kegs/jars/crystalariums while processing? I guess its hard to do.
- Common mushrooms are not so common (if you take the fuit bat cave) :)
- Gift log (to know loved and like gifts) to be account wide instead of character wide? People will look into the wiki anyway.
- Show names of missing collected items instead of ??? (again people will look into the wiki anyway).
You have some very interesting recommendations bro.😊


Local Legend
Honestly, this is way too much for one thread. I think you need to divide this up into multiple threads, each dealing with different parts of your suggestions.

About a few things, however...

1 - Obviously CA plans to repair/remove buggy content. That's an unneeded suggestion. No (ethical) developer wants to put out a buggy product.

2 - A - You ignore the fact that Shepherd increases wool production to daily from your (sufficiently heart-level) sheep instead of every other day, doubling your wool output. And in a single-player game, a Rancher makes more money from gold and iridium wool than from cloth. Additionally, cheese and goat cheese are actually the most efficient things to age in your cellar based on price increase over time, as they age quicker than most other things (gold -> iridium is only 2 weeks, normal -> 4 weeks). It is more difficult to get that to a production level that can take full advantage of the space in your cellar, however.

2 - B - A 50% chance to not double your gems? Nobody else has a chance at all, so a 50% chance to double is the better way to put it. Gems are worth way more than any single ore. Miner is good, as you say, and both of the level 10s are underwhelming that come from it, yes... but that seems to be a balancer. Then with Geologist not being super great, but not bad... and then Excavator gets more geodes (which is how you get a lot of expensive minerals to put into crystallariums too, btw) and Gemologist gets a better sell price? Both of these are good already.

2 - C - I similarly find Tapper underwhelming, but I can see how it could work for some as a low-maintenance way to make some cash. Personally, I process wood so fast (in building, crafting, coal) that getting the extra wood, even hardwood (which I absolutely will put through a wood chipper because I have so much of it) is almost a necessity. The double forage, iridium forage thing for Gatherer/Botanist is good... but Tracker is also really awesome for completing the Museum Collection. (And this is why you use the statue to change professions occasionally.)

2 - D - You get to Fishing 10 for Legendary fish. I prefer the Trapper/Mariner route because no trash and LOTS of lobsters and crabs, but the Pirate route is another great way to complete the Museum Collection. (Again, a good reason for swapping professions.)

2 - E - When it comes to combat, I think you haven't explored the different styles well enough. A Scout/Desperado with a good dagger weapon can absolutely paste folk (you need to check out the special attack on daggers). A Fighter/Brute actually does less damage overall (if the Desperado has a good dagger weapon), but more reliable damage and doesn't require a good dagger weapon, and you may not be lucky enough to find a good dagger weapon early, so Fighter/Brute is more reliable overall. And Defender is underwhelming too, so it could be improved a bit instead of 25 hp maybe 50 or taking less damage, as you said. And the thing is, different people do combat differently and having different styles coded into the game is a way to accommodate people that play differently than you.

3 - There's already a way to arrange your inventory/chests/fridges to ensure lower-quality stuff is used first, but it would be useful to have it done automatically too.
- There's already a suggestion to add notes to the Calendar item's functionality.
- Changing death consequences I can get behind, because yes, it usually just results in a reload (unless I'm lucky and lose nothing or virtually nothing).
- I think for fainting that what you want is for one option to be "exit to title without save" and the other to be "continue to next day and save", because the game always saves at dawn, not when you faint.


2 - A - You ignore the fact that Shepherd increases wool production to daily from your (sufficiently heart-level) sheep instead of every other day, doubling your wool output. And in a single-player game, a Rancher makes more money from gold and iridium wool than from cloth. Additionally, cheese and goat cheese are actually the most efficient things to age in your cellar based on price increase over time, as they age quicker than most other things (gold -> iridium is only 2 weeks, normal -> 4 weeks). It is more difficult to get that to a production level that can take full advantage of the space in your cellar, however.
As I said in the original post, Shepherd does not do enough to make up for the fact that animal farming in general is bad AND that any artisan product from animals benefit from Artisan profession more than Rancher. And this includes the knowledge of what Shepherd and Coopmaster does, which is bad. Also I mentioned that I had multiple solo play times of year 1 and 2. This included focusing of Sheep/Shepherd for Wool and Cloth which turned out to be terrible compared to other playtimes.

2 - B - A 50% chance to not double your gems? Nobody else has a chance at all, so a 50% chance to double is the better way to put it. Gems are worth way more than any single ore. Miner is good, as you say, and both of the level 10s are underwhelming that come from it, yes... but that seems to be a balancer. Then with Geologist not being super great, but not bad... and then Excavator gets more geodes (which is how you get a lot of expensive minerals to put into crystallariums too, btw) and Gemologist gets a better sell price? Both of these are good already.
Yes you basically repeated what I said. I said internally (inside Mining) they are fine. But the bad ones compared to other profession upgrades are just .. bad.

2 - C - I similarly find Tapper underwhelming, but I can see how it could work for some as a low-maintenance way to make some cash. Personally, I process wood so fast (in building, crafting, coal) that getting the extra wood, even hardwood (which I absolutely will put through a wood chipper because I have so much of it) is almost a necessity. The double forage, iridium forage thing for Gatherer/Botanist is good... but Tracker is also really awesome for completing the Museum Collection. (And this is why you use the statue to change professions occasionally.)

2 - D - You get to Fishing 10 for Legendary fish. I prefer the Trapper/Mariner route because no trash and LOTS of lobsters and crabs, but the Pirate route is another great way to complete the Museum Collection. (Again, a good reason for swapping professions.)

2 - E - When it comes to combat, I think you haven't explored the different styles well enough. A Scout/Desperado with a good dagger weapon can absolutely paste folk (you need to check out the special attack on daggers). A Fighter/Brute actually does less damage overall (if the Desperado has a good dagger weapon), but more reliable damage and doesn't require a good dagger weapon, and you may not be lucky enough to find a good dagger weapon early, so Fighter/Brute is more reliable overall. And Defender is underwhelming too, so it could be improved a bit instead of 25 hp maybe 50 or taking less damage, as you said. And the thing is, different people do combat differently and having different styles coded into the game is a way to accommodate people that play differently than you.
This is us mostly playing the game for different reasons. You actually do not need Tracker at all to complete it. When it comes to crab pots upon reaching level 10 you either have enough for collection or have better options for profit that these options become useless. Why waste time on crab pots. Combat, yes we definitely play the game for different reasons. Switching from sword to dagger means you do little to no area damage. And switching to hammer/club type mean you sacrifice mining time due to terribly slow animation time. Anything the Scout path does, does not do enough to balance these.


Local Legend
I think you're too focused on certain things, like profit. Ease of play is definitely a thing for some people, and you seem to be pooh-poohing anything that does exactly that. Quickly completing some things without expending too much effort is another. That's what Tracker and Pirate are for.

And when it comes to mining, you're asking for too much. You act like the worst options are so bad that all else pales in comparison... but when you get to the other skills, you say the same thing about what you perceive as the worst options there too. And then you say that even the worst options from the others make these look even worse? Come on, now. What, is CA supposed to make it so you always get coal if you take the appropriate profession?

I was making over 1.5 million every 2 seasons as a Shepherd (not Artisan) before the end of year 3. I have all the Lobster Bisque I could ever want for when I finally decide to go fishing for the legendary fish. I can paste most things with my galaxy dagger on my Desperado save by using the special attack just once. Who cares that I don't have a wide swing for "area"? Not me, because I know how to move around and assassinate things one at a time so I don't need a wide swing like the people that have more difficulty aiming or more difficulty playing SDV like it's a stealth game. Oh, and the hammer? When did I ever say a Scout path character should use that? They're only good for killing ghosts (those teleporting jerks), and aren't worth my time.


Yes I already agreed that we have different views on the game and that this game can be enjoyed in multiple ways. Remember, I said that the reason I have these opinion is because I love the game and want it to improve. And many times, blind appreciation of things does not help a game to get better and just helps to make it stagnant.

I do not want to repeat that Shepherd and Animal farming is bad (just like how bad 1.5 mill per 2 seasons is).

Please let me know how much time it takes you to kill 3 big slimes that turn into 9 slimes with the dagger. Or any other monster in the Skull Cavern. Or maybe you just enjoy moving around in the mine all the time and losing time. But hey if that is the game to you then no one's stopping you.


Local Legend
The 1.5 mil every 2 seasons is the ancient fruit wine and just the ancient fruit wine. I'm actually making much better... that's just one piece of the puzzle. My total earnings on Spring 23 Year 4 is 14.3 mil.

And you know that to get the dagger I had to get the sword, right? I can use that when faced with a hoard of small things just as easily as you can. That big slime is dead faster when I attack it, though.


Thanks for your feedback. I usually compare and assess/end my runs during Year 2, Fall 7. Currently, the best it is at 7~8 million total earnings during that time (with unsold things in the cellar and chest). With 3 big sheds full of jars/kegs, and one big shed with it 70% diamond crystalariums, will easily get 15 mill near end of Y2. I'm almost done with my current run which I hope is better than my said best.


Local Legend
You don't need more than one with Kegs, imho, because you can't age even that. Honestly, anything worth less than pomegranates/peaches isn't worth putting in a keg. Putting it in a preserves jar gets you a better return over time because of the reduced processing time.


Agree to have more jars than kegs, and finding the balance is important along the way. But the number of kegs depends on what you want and how many crops you have and how much of it is better put in kegs rather than jars. I usually focus on accumulating hops and wheat in first two years so it benefits me a lot. And even if you run out of hops and wheat, you can still make wine even if it exceeds the limit of the Cellar. The cellar right now is underwhelming when it comes to profit per day so you can actually totally ignore it and be fine imo. Yes, when you sell a bunch of aged goods, you will be happy with the profit, but most of it came from the base price of the item anyway, especially if you realize the waiting time. So while it is good to use the Cellar, don't let it limit your wine/cheese/etc production because you can still sell them right away.