I have been playing Stardew Valley for a while, now. One of the best things about it is that aspect of realism when it comes to maximizing your profit and resources while minimizing your losses and time usage. I have gotten to the point where I want to capitalize and run my game in the most proficient way possible. Initially, farming crops and animals are the best methods. However, as you go along, it quickly becomes realized how precious time is -- and both of those things require a great deal of time. Pigs seem like the animals which are most profitable, but I would like to figure out how to make the most money without relying on the Rancher profession. I have already started filling my greenhouse with Ancient Fruit plants... Let's talk about some of the methods everyone has tried which have brought them higher income, with more time to spare. So much of my days are taken up by tending to animals and their produce, that rarely do I get a chance to go mining, fishing, or practice my combat skills. Any tips, tricks, or recommendations??