Bold and Brash Bandicoot
I spend way too much time on SDV on Switch, and noticed some potential bugs that I haven't seen mentioned a lot yet. I'll categorize them in three ways- minute stuff I've noticed, things that I'm not entirely sure are bugs or not, and common stuff that others have reported, just for the sake of consistency.
- Minute/Less noticeable bugs:
- Lionfish are catchable in the freshwater pond in Ginger Island West (where you'd normally catch Blue Discus)- in the past, they were ocean only. In fact, since the update I've *never* been able to catch a Blue Discus in that pond
- When completing Demetrius's big bulletin board quest for catching river fish, I've noticed that a) certain seasonal fish like rainbow trout aren't being included on the tally and b) I could catch a dual river/lake fish like a chub at the lake, and it will count towards the *river* fish catching goal
- When playing on the slot machines in the casino, my total Qi coin tally is not showing up in the slot screen. If I exit the slots and go back to the casino screen, it is visible as normal in the top corner
- The Queen of Sauce book is not appearing in the bookstore. I have checked in both my 9 year perfection save (where I had already gathered all the walnuts prior to the update) and in a brand new save (currently in year 4) where I gathered the nuts after 1.6.9 was live, and nothing
- Not sure if bug or not, including anyway:
- I can still only have 3 cabins players on my farm at once. Unless I'm misunderstanding the wiki, it looks like the option has been expanded to 7 cabins at once.
- After completing the New Neighbours achievement and seeing the Raccoon Song cutscene, the raccoon song is not available on the jukebox to listen to again
- The wardrobe is not organizing clothes properly as it did in the past. Before, if you put 3 (for example) living hats in the wardrobe, they would all group together. Now, everything stays in the order you put it in, so it is more difficult to keep track of any clothing doubles you have
- When killing slimes in the secret woods with the napalm ring equipped in the winter, I noticed that this was destroying nearby artifact/seed spots as well
- Common stuff that has probably been reported a bunch, including anyway for posterity:
- The raccoon shop isn't expanding
- The workbench isn't showing the proper inventory/number of something you can make based on the adjacent chests