Leah's room needs a small update

I think out of all the spouse rooms, Leah's is the most unexciting, in fact, it's boring. Which really upsets me since Leah is my favorite female spouse.

For instance, Elliot's and Penny's rooms have massive bookcases filled with books, Sam's room has his guitar, keyboard and computer, Abigail, Alex, Harvey, Sebastian and Shane practically brought their entire bedrooms over into the farm house.

When I look at Leah's, it feels so empty. All her room has is a large indoor plant and an art easel. Thats it. Where's her wood sculpture? Where's her drawing book? Leah's room really doesn't show off her personality and hobbies as well as the others.

Alex's room is full of sports equipment and weights, he's a jock and loves working out. Abigail's room has her drum set, her tv with video game console and her spirit board, she loves making music, video games and spiritism.

Leah's room tells us she just likes painting, when we all know that's not the case. Yes, she likes to paint but her main focus is sculpting, which her room doesn't have. I'd really like to see a new wood sculpture with wood sculpting tools and wood shavings covering the floor, maybe a desk covered in crumpled up paper and drawings taped on the wall above it. Leah is a very talented artist in many way's and her room doesn't express it as of right now.

I know this is a small and maybe even pointless idea, but I think its only fair that Leah gets a bit of a better room.
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As another Leah fan I feel obligated to say that I agree on this one. Just had a look at the wiki and she does indeed seem to have the weakest one compared to the rest, which is painfully ironic given her artistic personality. She could've at least brough some wood piles inside or maybe even a smaller bookshelf at home. She even left her phone at her former cottage, though I suppose it could be justified since she has lived completely separate from her own family. I like your idea of having some of her unfinished sculptures and crumpled paper to be in her room.

Something new that I had in mind was having a shelf with wine in her room, since she seems to be interested in the said beverage from her dialogues. Not too much in the Pam levels of drinking, but just moderately enough. She could also have mini garden or more plants in her room given her deep appreciation for nature.

I'm not saying these to bash what CA has done to Leah or anything. I really appreciate all the hard work he had done. There's a lot more important things to expand or improve in the game compared to this one but it's always welcome to spruce up our favorite artist's room for once in a while.


Staff member
I hadn't really thought about that, but you're right. Leah's room is much sparser than the other spouses. It would be great to see something added :)