iOS Koop problem: Character stops moving/reacting to input.


Hi there, I'm new here, so please be patient.
I am playing koop with my daughter. We both use our ipads. Her Ipad is the host, I join. Same wifi. The build is 1.6.15 build 24354, German language.

The problem: From time to time the MC in my game (client) stops moving. The game doesn't crash entirely, because I can still see the hosts MC walking around, if she is on the same map. I can still navigate my inventory bar. But the rest of the screen doesn't react to inputs any more. I can't open the menu via the button in the upper right corner. I had that happen in the mines right after mining a stone. Or on the map where the wizards tower is when chopping trees. It alway happens after the tree trunk is chopped. The MC stops reacting to inputs. I have to kill the app. After restarting and rejoining, the MC moves again, like nothing ever happened. I try and chop another tree, it will most likely hang again. But if I leave the map and come back later, it might work correctly again.

What can I do? Is it a bug?



Staff member
Does the stuck player regain control if the other player gifts them an item? I think that has worked for some people as a temporary band-aid fix.


Didn't try. What is "gifting" exactly?
When we tried giving stuff to each other by selecting the thing and clicking the other MC it rarely ever works. Sometimes the one that tries to give an item gets a message box asking if they want to give the item. But the other player rarely ever gets asked weather he wants to accept the item. (And then again the whole action is useless in most cases bc I usually want transfer a whole stack, not a single item). But most of the times if we try to give something to the other player, nothing happens at all. No message boxes, nothing. I couldn't figure out why is sometimes works but mostly not.

We will try that "fix" regardless. Thanks for the suggestion.


Try to switch to button and stick control, works for us. I explained it more detailed in an similar Thread.

Viel Spaß noch.