Windows Kids are sleeping in separate houses


Okay, been trying to figure this one out for a couple of days and couldn't find a solution anywhere. So my girlfriend (Host) and I (Farmhand) are playing a new farm and we're married with 2 kids. The first born is in my house and the second child is in her house. Also the first born does not sleep, not ever. She just stares at walls at all hours of the night. It was odd that the first one ended up in my house to begin with. I chalked this up to it being that I was the one that proposed and the game gave me the option to ask her for the child first. 2nd child threw that out the window though. We'd like the kids to be in the host house though cause otherwise this just feels like we're divorced and we took a kid each. We've tried removing the crib and beds from my house (the house we don't want the kids in). Seen from another post, we tried checking the parent ID's to see if they're different. In our case, they're the same already. We don't really want to dove the first child either, so any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
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