Keep getting the same Qi challenges


This isn't my first time doing Ginger Island - far from it - but this is the first time I've had this happen to me. Every Monday I go to Qi's Walnut room, all excited to see what challenge I'll get this time, but it's always the same two: 50 loved gifts and Junimo Cart. I really dislike the junimo game, so that leaves me with 50 loved gifts, week after week after week. That's really getting expensive. Or I don't do a challenge at all. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm feeling kind of sad.


That does sound a bit strange. I'll sometimes get a run of a few weeks where one challenge pops up repeatedly, but not the same two every time. (I'm completely rubbish at both the arcade games so I feel your pain there).

Does anyone know if the Qi quest RNG is like Dish of the Day or the Winter Star gift where it calculates the result by factoring in things like steps taken or time of day? If it is then maybe checking at a different time or running around a lot and checking on Tuesday might get a different result?

(It's not quite the same but I do have an apparently permanent artifact spot in an unreachable place at the bottom of the dig site, can't even slingshot it.)