Joja gift delivery system


Overnight gift delivery system where you can put items in it and checkmark people you want to get those gift and then everyone you checked off gets gift overnight , maybe could be joja exclusive feature that could be bought , it would make joja route more worth it. :joja:


Honestly I’d like that as a default mailbox feature:
  1. Interact with the mailbox while holding an item.
  2. Dialogue pops up: “Would you like to mail this [item] to someone? They will receive it tomorrow morning. >Yes >No”
  3. Select “yes” to bring up a list of villagers you’ve met, including their heart levels and birth date. Villagers that haven’t been met or have already been given two gifts that week (unless tomorrow is a new week or their birthday) will be greyed out.
  4. Choose a villager to bring up another dialogue box: “You want to send this [item] to [villager name]? >Yes >No” (this is just a safety feature in case you accidentally select the wrong villager)
  5. The item is deposited, and the player will receive a letter in the morning with the appropriate reaction from the villager.
This would be incredibly helpful for planning ahead and especially with sending gifts to Sandy and Leo (while he’s on the island).

EDIT: for game balance, there could be some stipulations, such as:
  • not getting quite as many friendship points from a loved/liked/neutral gift
  • getting a bigger penalty from a disliked/hated gift
  • a modest cost for postage (perhaps 10% of the sale price of the item?)