Is there any reason to buy sheep?


Is there any reason to have a sheep in Stardew Valley? To me rabbits seem like a better source of wool: they’re the same price, also drop rabbits’ feet, live in a cheaper building and don’t need a unique tool to be sheared. I have just one sheep, and I’m wondering what on Earth they’re for.

Lew Zealand

Now I need Wool because I like to do quite a bit of Tailoring and have entire drawers and chests full of color variations of things. But really, a coupla Bunbuns does the trick while giving you enough Rabbit's Feet to keep most everyone in town, but especially Alex, happy. Because with the AutoGrabber you'll accumulate lotsa those goodies while you're "Fishing" being super-productive at Ginger Island or in Skull Cavern or other alpha-game strategies.

And also while you're picking up after your Barn full of industrious Piggies who're happy with a 3-season work year plus rainy days off.
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Sheep are Terrible for those reasons and they take almost as long as goats to pay off. Even in the best case senerio their Terrible and goats are just as bad. I will stick to my one coop of rabits for all my wool and gift needs thank you.


I personally like rabbits better. They have two products that are liked by almost everyone (only Penny dislikes the rabbit foot, everyone else loves; and everyone but Penny is neutral towards wool ) and only require a deluxe coop. Unless you are thinking about doing something more "themed" or roleplay something that involves sheep, rabbits are the way to go - maybe a sheep once you get the auto-grabber if you feel like having at least one of every animal. So yeah, you are on the right track.

The easiest/quick way to get money is getting a bunch of pigs for the truffles in that sweet barn. Maybe one cow and one goat for the Stardew Fair, bundles and cooking stuff if you feel like but eh.
A coop for buns and perhaps one for ducks (to grab eggs and duck feathers) and you are golden. Dinos are good too

Lenora Rose

One common complaint I have seen is that there's really no great motivation to get into ranching because there's only one animal who really rewards keeping, and pace to their fans, but the pigs with the money boon are really ugly. Sheep suffer worst from the unbalanced nature of ranching; I too have never bothered to keep them because rabbits keep me in more than enough wool.