Is it possible to hire workers? There's just so much to do.

Wolfman Farmer

If possible I would love to hire farm help, even if it's expensive. So here's my idea.
Disclaimer: Needs balancing and pricing adjustment. All of this is how I imagine it and I have no idea on programming.

>Seven new buildings.
*Distribution office (for Farm Manager and allows the Distribution of items for processing) (can be upgraded for more storage and more complex organization options)
*Farm Hand House (allows the housingof Farm Hands)(Upgrade for increasing. max people)
*Workes Shack (allows workers to work outside of buildings.) (A single Shack allows a. worker to handle 100 single space things like crops, fermentation jars, or bee hives. Or 20 larger things like Fish Ponds.)
*Keg House (for kegs only. Starts with 5 kegs and can hold 50. Can be upgraded twice to. hold 200 in a two story building. Must build and install the other 195 kegs.)
*Fermentation House (for Fermentation jars only. Starts with 5 jars and can hold 50. Can. be upgraded to hold 200 in a two story building. Must build and install other 195 jars.)
*Processing House (only for processing machines other then kegs and Fermentation jars. Must build and install all machines. Can hould up to 100?)
*Workers Greenhouse (greenhouse for workers to work in. Can have seed makers. installed to create new seeds.)

>Two hireable workers.
*Worker (can be placed to manage processes items or harvest crops in Sheds.)
*Manager (allows the hiring of workers and the management of items for processing and selling the everySaturday night)

To hire the manager maybe it's $100,000 a season and workers are $10-50,000 a season each. Workers can be placed in buildings to harvest or manage processing machinery, can even water crops in greenhouse or if well is by Workers Shack.

Manager collects crops and such, sends them for processing, and then sells them every Saturday night. Processing machines (goes by building, so mixing gets confusing) have 30 slots for priority, and goes from left to right. 10 slots for Top Priority, 10 for Mid Priority, and 10 for Low Priority.
There's just so much to do.
There will be some more help in the later game...
Unfortunately it wont work inside houses in plain vanilla game. So this needs mods.


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