If you could have only one tool in the game, which one would it be and why?


I think it would be fun to have a go with just the pickaxe. Hoe can't really make you any money unless you rely on rain, axe is good if you want to see your wood (putting you at true chaotic evil) and watering can would be great, but seems useless without the hoe.

And don't forget about rice and taro root, folks. You can grow that without a watering can. So if you went with the Riverland farm, maybe one could be persuaded to change their mind. That is, if one is committed to a life of rice farming.


Local Legend
I think it would be fun to have a go with just the pickaxe. Hoe can't really make you any money unless you rely on rain, axe is good if you want to see your wood (putting you at true chaotic evil) and watering can would be great, but seems useless without the hoe.

And don't forget about rice and taro root, folks. You can grow that without a watering can. So if you went with the Riverland farm, maybe one could be persuaded to change their mind. That is, if one is committed to a life of rice farming.
You'd still probably want beach which has that advantage too as well as crates which are great once you get the rusty sword.
Very true and fair! I'm not certain how difficult or annoying that would or wouldn't be since I've never tried it. Previous challenges I did on tool limitations were restrictions on XP gain rather than just the use of the tool itself, so bombs were a non-starter. It would be interesting to find out though! I'd like to propose a friendly contest. For the two of us, but certainly anyone else is welcome to join in. The guidelines are as follows:

1) You must start a new save, your choice of map, on a random seed (no seed manipulation)
2) You must delete all starting tools other than your preferred one as soon as possible. Deleting them from the save is acceptable, as is buying enough wood from Robin for a chest, and putting the tools in there on someone's path.
3) At no point can you use any starting tools other than your chosen one, and once destroyed / deleted, you must not recover them from lost and found.
4) We're looking for at minimum community center completion here. "Fastest" can mean a lot of things (fastest irl? Fewest game hours? Fewest in game days?) so it's not a race per se, just looking to see how we get along with our chosen route. The goal is to get at least to CC completion before Jan 1st 2023.
5) No RNG manipulation, no game exploits (such as item duping / spawning, even if done with entirely in game methods) and no mods.
6) No restrictions on using non-starting tools, such as the copper pan or milk pail or fishing rod*.
7) Just to keep things relatively comparable as far as experiences, you must go the Joja route. Obviously the CC route is also doable with this challenge but transparently I don't want to do it since it'd be way harder XD Both going the Joja route makes it easier to compare without it being totally apples vs oranges.
8) Once you have gotten the CC done, post some screenshots, showing what your in game time, in game days, etc looks like. If you can, share the save file too!
9) Provide regular updates on the forums of your progress! The whole point is to talk about how easy / hard it is, what strategies you use, where you encounter sticking points, and so forth. Let's keep it friendly, and have fun with it!
10) Though I'd be incredibly surprised if anyone got perfection within the timespan in question especially given the restrictions, it'd be incredibly impressive if someone did. So if they do get perfection with a new save using these restrictions before Jan 1st 2023, they automatically "win", whatever that means XD

*I personally think the fishing rod is a bit cheap in this context (you can get the CC pretty easily with *just* fishing after all), but in good faith I can't restrict it. After all part of the appeal of the watering can is the lure of perfection with just the one "starting tool", so it'd be lame to have a restriction which prevents it.

Anyway, let me know if you're interested! I think it'd be fun, and I'm definitely game, but only if at least one other person (who wants to pick something other than the pickaxe) is interested in doing it as well. If not no worries, it's a hectic time of year and there's plenty of reasons why someone wouldn't be interested in tackling such a challenge *right at this time*.
Sure this seems like something fun to do in the holydays

Lew Zealand

I think I'd go with the Hoe and do the Beach Farm to start for Rice. I guess for clearing out trees and rocks on the Farm just to get around I'd have to work up to Bombs but the real reason for the Hoe is so I could drive furrows into all the Slimes in the Mines. Have a look at them all squishing around in there, bouncing up and down trying to rub their backs against the Mine walls, all they want is back scritches and the Hoe's perfect for that. If more than a few succumb to excessive attention and become sources for Petrified Slime, well that's just a consequence of life.

There's no need for the Watering Can for Ginger Island as you're living on the Beach! That would be like living on the beach in Florida or California and complaining that you're not in Jamaica or Fiji. You don't see Elliott complaining that his crab friends are just not good enough and what he'd really like is a steady source of locally grown coconuts and semi-daily access to Mead, striped shirts and darts. That guy knows his paradise and y'know, I gots a bigger Beach house in case he wants to upgrade that piano to a baby grand.


Local Legend
I think I'd go with the Hoe and do the Beach Farm to start for Rice. I guess for clearing out trees and rocks on the Farm just to get around I'd have to work up to Bombs but the real reason for the Hoe is so I could drive furrows into all the Slimes in the Mines. Have a look at them all squishing around in there, bouncing up and down trying to rub their backs against the Mine walls, all they want is back scritches and the Hoe's perfect for that. If more than a few succumb to excessive attention and become sources for Petrified Slime, well that's just a consequence of life.

There's no need for the Watering Can for Ginger Island as you're living on the Beach! That would be like living on the beach in Florida or California and complaining that you're not in Jamaica or Fiji. You don't see Elliott complaining that his crab friends are just not good enough and what he'd really like is a steady source of locally grown coconuts and semi-daily access to Mead, striped shirts and darts. That guy knows his paradise and y'know, I gots a bigger Beach house in case he wants to upgrade that piano to a baby grand.
The watering can is needed on ginger island to pass the volcano for the first time, it is also the only time in the game when you are required to use energy.

Lenora Rose

I'm really not tempted to join in but I wonder if there's a way to keep it from turning into a race of who can fish best/luckiest? Maybe limit the number of days in a week you can fish?


For the sake of the discussion, weapons aren't included! So I just mean between the pickaxe, hoe, axe, scythe, fishing pole, watering can, and the ever elusive copper pan.

All answers are acceptable and valid in their own respects. For me it would be the watering can, specifically so my cat doesn't have to rely on rain water (it has chemicals you know!) and because I feel it would be a particularly unpopular choice, but it sounds fun to figure out how to get some decent use out of it (and I can go in some end-game mines and run around some rocks to get collectables)
Ive done a no energy run so having that experience under my belt the tool I wanted back was definitely my fishing pole. Rocks trees can be blown up, land tilled by bombs, sprinklers bought early from the traveling cart, but there's no substitute for the fishing pole...


Local Legend
Ive done a no energy run so having that experience under my belt the tool I wanted back was definitely my fishing pole. Rocks trees can be blown up, land tilled by bombs, sprinklers bought early from the traveling cart, but there's no substitute for the fishing pole...
If you are doing perfection you have the option of the efficient fishing rod.

You can do anything else but water the first lava at the volcano.


Local Legend
Cool so i will need to use the beach farm for it then.
Yeah beach farm is the only real option, you’ll also be spending dozens of real life hours killing crabs in the first levels of the mines for bombs.

You need to be efficient with getting down, only using bombs on large clusters of stones and ores and resetting if you use more than a bomb or two per floor on average.


Local Legend
Going for perfection is different, as if I remember correctly you can't buy the bridge into the Volcano without getting into the Volcano
That’s what I was saying, you need the watering can as you can put efficient on the fishing rod once there.

It’s the one time you use energy though
For me it would be the watering can, specifically so my cat doesn't have to rely on rain water (it has chemicals you know!) and because I feel it would be a particularly unpopular choice,
Haha! That is also what my cat does. I don't understand him...

I already gave him a fresh and clean water (not tap water, but mineral water that you bought in the convenient store), but he still prefers drinking from the water puddle formed by the rain. "There's unknown pathogen and gasoline there, furhead!"

Anyway, back to the topic. I will choose... watering can! Well, despite its size it can store a lot of water. It is obviously will come in handy.