I strongly demand for a pixel font for Chinese!!!


This is a pixel game, we don't need a “smooth” font.

“Adorable” is not an acceptable excuse. Is the Mines adorable? Is the Casino adorable?

Don't tell me the font for Japanese and Korean is also smooth and adorable. I don't wanna know why they made such a font for Japanese and Korean. Anyway, that's not a good reason why Chinese font should be also smooth and adorable.




Magically Clueless

Staff member
I just wanted to provide the context that the font wasn't changed because it was "adorable", the exact words used in the update were "appealing and readable" which is in terms of the game itself. The intention of the font change was to match every font in the game, of which the Chinese version was lacking, not necessarily just to make something "cute". I think this suggestion is fine but I just feel like there is some miscommunication happening behind why the changes were actually made

Like I think it's a fair case if you actually don't find it readable or appealing and you think other options or changes would be better


But I have to point out that the font should match the art style of the game. The new font doesn't match the art style of the game, which is quite strange. In Minecraft, the font matches perfectly to the game's art style, and no one complains.

In addition, most players don't think the new font is “appealing and readable”. The gap between characters is too close, which makes reading quite tiring.


I just wanted to provide the context that the font wasn't changed because it was "adorable", the exact words used in the update were "appealing and readable" which is in terms of the game itself. The intention of the font change was to match every font in the game, of which the Chinese version was lacking, not necessarily just to make something "cute". I think this suggestion is fine but I just feel like there is some miscommunication happening behind why the changes were actually made

Like I think it's a fair case if you actually don't find it readable or appealing and you think other options or changes would be better
What I found is that the new font is actually causing confusions. In the new font, the horizontal lines in the characters are actually not horizontal, but a bit curved up. “干” looks just like “千”, but they are two completely different characters.
I just wanted to provide the context that the font wasn't changed because it was "adorable", the exact words used in the update were "appealing and readable" which is in terms of the game itself. The intention of the font change was to match every font in the game, of which the Chinese version was lacking, not necessarily just to make something "cute". I think this suggestion is fine but I just feel like there is some miscommunication happening behind why the changes were actually made

Like I think it's a fair case if you actually don't find it readable or appealing and you think other options or changes would be better
Look at the following pictures and you may be able to understand why the font is required to be changed.

Gothic typeface ; we usually call it "黑体" , link to wikipedia

Microsoft YaHei UI.png

Microsoft YaHei ; Simplified Chinese default font after Windows Vista ,belong one of Gothic typeface


After SDV1.6.4 font, KNMaiyuan ,no Wikipedia page.

You can see the first horizontal line, the other fonts are not slanted,only KNMaiyuan.
And on a high-resolution screen, the fonts will be very large and difficult to read. This handwriting style makes the font look shaky. Makes it difficult to recognize some characters .You can also see this grid that frames the characters, and other fonts are on the center line.
I agree that the font needs to be changed, but not this font that makes it difficult for players to read.
funny,The issue ya caused is not only the font but also various translation problems,the pet names ya added like宝小王子小甜甜made me sick,the Unnecessary translation changes are all over the gam既然都是中国人那你就别装模做样写这么一坨坨英语了好不好,这两天都不想打开星露谷因为看着翻译我就想呕。加那么些网络流行词是不是显得你们汉化组有多幽默?社群里直接啊好了新的翻译我们这样改公示图一贴然后叫个up暖个场直接nm端上来这坨屎塞玩家嘴里?反馈反了nm个鸡毛既然不会翻译能不能就不要吃这碗饭


As an English speaker/reader, this is an absolutely fascinating issue. There are some edge cases in our language where bad handwriting might make something a little difficult to read, but even then we can still figure it out. I can’t even comprehend having a language whose characters are so particular that a simple misplaced stroke can completely change the meaning.

It would be like if I wrote “ligma” as “Ijqmə” but instead of it being obvious enough that I meant “ligma” it actually looks like I wrote “eat all the bagels before sunset or my pants will shrivel up enough to cut off circulation to my legs”.

Anyway, I hope this gets resolved soon.


I can’t even comprehend having a language whose characters are so particular that a simple misplaced stroke can completely change the meaning.
Yeah, some of the characters look alike but they have completely different meanings, like “未” and “末”, “土” and “士”. If we replace one character to the other, like writing “士兵” as “土兵”, it's a mistake.
Yeah, some of the characters look alike but they have completely different meanings, like “未” and “末”, “土” and “士”. If we replace one character to the other, like writing “士兵” as “土兵”, it's a mistake.
The difference are just two pixels per sign!


It would be like if I wrote “ligma” as “Ijqmə” but instead of it being obvious enough that I meant “ligma” it actually looks like I wrote “eat all the bagels before sunset or my pants will shrivel up enough to cut off circulation to my legs”.
Maybe it will actually happen XDD. For instance, "干" means "dry" in Chinese, but "千" means "thousands of". "己" means "myself", but "已" means "already". That's a subtle distinction in font but a huge distinction in meaning.