I made a Wordle clone based on Stardew Valley fish


Trying to guess what fish I'm currently reeling in based on its difficulty is a core part of my Stardew Valley fishing experience, so turning it into Wordle felt like a natural progression.

You can try it at https://pufferdle.com/
• Catch a fish and then guess what you caught based off of the difficulty you experienced.
• Use the fish's seasons, weather, location, and time to narrow down your guess, in a Wordle format.
• Practice catching any fish you want as much as you want without having to go to the location in game and reeling it in the Fish Tank. (Free practice for the Legend!)

Thanks to ConcernedApe for making the fishing mini game which is probably my favorite part of Stardew Valley (and because every asset in this was made by and belongs to him, including the code for the mini game itself which I copied into JavaScript for an identical experience.)


Trying to guess what fish I'm currently reeling in based on its difficulty is a core part of my Stardew Valley fishing experience, so turning it into Wordle felt like a natural progression.

You can try it at https://pufferdle.com/
• Catch a fish and then guess what you caught based off of the difficulty you experienced.
• Use the fish's seasons, weather, location, and time to narrow down your guess, in a Wordle format.
• Practice catching any fish you want as much as you want without having to go to the location in game and reeling it in the Fish Tank. (Free practice for the Legend!)

Thanks to ConcernedApe for making the fishing mini game which is probably my favorite part of Stardew Valley (and because every asset in this was made by and belongs to him, including the code for the mini game itself which I copied into JavaScript for an identical experience.)
I’ve been playing this nonstop for several days now! It’s so amazing!


Anda benar dalam mengatakan bahwa orang-orang kadang-kadang mencoba menebak jenis ikan yang mereka tangkap berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan dan kelincahannya, dan mereka akan merasa bangga jika menebaknya dengan benar. Mini game yang Anda buat sangat bagus untuk menghabiskan waktu, dan itu benar-benar keren. (>_<)
Why in indonesian (or whatever language that is)


This game was really fun but an option to be able to cross off fish most likley manually would be really nice.