Humane Slime Hutch question


I've recently been reorganizing my farm a bit (forest farm) and have opened up that nice peaceful clearing down on the lower left corner of the map. I've been ignoring the slime hutch ever since I started playing because I couldn't stomach the idea of loving up my cute barn animals a few feet thataway and then immediately taking my sword to the equally cute slimes over thataway. It felt weirdly immersion-breaking. XD It's one thing when they attack you in the mines and you need to defend yourself --- it's another thing when you're raising them pretty much the same way you raise your chickens.

I have the slime charmer ring. They can't hurt me. My question is, if I build a slime hutch, can I reap the benefits of it without ever having to resort to killing the slimes? That is, can I just let them do their cute slime shenanigans, pick up any eggs I find etc, and avoid ever killing any of them? They would have room to roam outside and I don't intend on fencing them in inside of the building. I would want to treat it pretty much exactly like a chicken coop.

Is it possible to have a humane slime hutch?


They produce slime balls if you give them water. They can't go outside, but as they usually dwell in dark caves and forests I think forcing them into the sun is the inhumane thing to do.

It's not very profitable, but you can try and breed different colors.
I think my main question is if I can have a 'successful' slime hutch without killing any slimes to maintain it. If I have to kill them, I'd rather not have it.


Well, what's your definition of successful?

Without killing them, they produce slime balls. So, slime and sometimes petrified slime.

You won't get any loot without killing them, but there is also no reason to kill them if you don't want to.


Local Legend
If you want to breed them, occasionally you will have to kill some to make space. Otherwise, there's no real reason to kill them if you don't want to. Some people kill them for the loot, though.


I never kill off mine: I just can't bring myself to do it. I give them water and harvest their goo to make eggs. I also hatch them in the town square because one of the best parts of the game for me is watching my slimes greet the villagers by name and seeing the villagers greet them back.


Well, what's your definition of successful?

Without killing them, they produce slime balls. So, slime and sometimes petrified slime.

You won't get any loot without killing them, but there is also no reason to kill them if you don't want to.

'Successful' as in it produces literally anything of value without me having to kill them for it. :) No matter how small that profit is. I'm really not looking for a huge money-maker -- I'm an artisan comfortably sitting up in 4million gold range right now. My desire for a slime hutch is mainly curiosity and me honestly liking the little guys. If they produce things on their own (like the chickens) without me having to hurt them, that'd be the only way I'd want the slime hutch. But only raising them to kill them off en masse feels ghoulish to me with my particular SDV play style.

This is not what you asked, but I can't help but wonder...will they know how you got the slime charmer ring?
I'll distract them from the carnage of their ancestors by loading up their hutch with plushies and picnic tables.


I never kill off mine: I just can't bring myself to do it. I give them water and harvest their goo to make eggs. I also hatch them in the town square because one of the best parts of the game for me is watching my slimes greet the villagers by name and seeing the villagers greet them back.
WAIT pull over, is this a thing?!? It's not a mod? You can actually hatch them in the town square and they'll talk to the villagers?

If I'm being gullible lol feel free to call me out, but this legit excited me. XD


WAIT pull over, is this a thing?!? It's not a mod? You can actually hatch them in the town square and they'll talk to the villagers?

If I'm being gullible lol feel free to call me out, but this legit excited me. XD
It's a real thing in the game and it is adorable! It's not a mod, either. I honestly don't know if Concerned Ape put it in there on purpose or if it is just a wonderful side-effect, but it happens. You'll see a slime near the general store for example say "Hi Carolyn!" and she'll reply back "Hi, Red Sludge!" I hatched a bunch near Leah's house just because I loved seeing a bunch of slimes greet her with "Hi Leah!" all the time.

It's a real thing in the game and it is adorable! It's not a mod, either. I honestly don't know if Concerned Ape put it in there on purpose or if it is just a wonderful side-effect, but it happens. You'll see a slime near the general store for example say "Hi Carolyn!" and she'll reply back "Hi, Red Sludge!" I hatched a bunch near Leah's house just because I loved seeing a bunch of slimes greet her with "Hi Leah!" all the time.

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I knew this was a thing but had forgotten about it. Definitely going to start doing this the next time I log on to play!

Also, about the kill/no kill slime question... I, too, find it hard to cut down the cute slimes in the hutch. For this reason I was thinking about getting rid of it on my farm. This thread has convinced me not to (at least for now) and instead to harvest slime balls so I can press slime eggs and hatch them in town. Thanks @Alfyna and @Bananapaws

:slime::heart: :slime::!:They really are cute when they are not trying to kill you.


:slime::heart: :slime::!:They really are cute when they are not trying to kill you.
Design-wise they're uncomfortably close to the Juminos -- plump little bodies, big eyes, happy bouncy motions. The instant I got the slime charmer ring I stopped retaliating against them in the mines. They're so stinkin cute. I really wanted to have them on my farm, but only if I didn't have to hurt them. This thread has convinced me too -- I just ordered a slime hutch from Robin! 😍 :slime:


'Successful' as in it produces literally anything of value without me having to kill them for it. :) No matter how small that profit is. I'm really not looking for a huge money-maker -- I'm an artisan comfortably sitting up in 4million gold range right now. My desire for a slime hutch is mainly curiosity and me honestly liking the little guys. If they produce things on their own (like the chickens) without me having to hurt them, that'd be the only way I'd want the slime hutch. But only raising them to kill them off en masse feels ghoulish to me with my particular SDV play style.
Sure, yeah, you'll get a slime balls which produce a few dozen slime a day with a full hutch of 20. In my experience you average slightly more than 50 slime a day, so with a slime-egg press you can get a slime egg (usually green, which are worth 1000g) every other day or so. It's not particularly good profit, but it is profit.

Lew Zealand

It's a real thing in the game and it is adorable! It's not a mod, either. I honestly don't know if Concerned Ape put it in there on purpose or if it is just a wonderful side-effect, but it happens. You'll see a slime near the general store for example say "Hi Carolyn!" and she'll reply back "Hi, Red Sludge!" I hatched a bunch near Leah's house just because I loved seeing a bunch of slimes greet her with "Hi Leah!" all the time.

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I did not know this was A Thing.

As Things go which I did not know, this is on the bigger side in Stardew Valley. How fantastic is it that there are little Easter Slime eggs like this hidden in plain sight which give such joy in the game. Them damn parrots can wait, I'm setting this up now.

And either Willy has Deuteranopia or his dialog is covering up his conversation partner.