Hi, I'm Tellington



I've been here for a few days now but I just noticed this forum lol.

My name is Tellington (because I like the webcomic Girls with Slingshots), I'm non-binary, 32yo and from France.

I've been playing for... well I started playing a few months after the game's launch (December of 2016 I believe), I played A LOT but then I just stopped. I played a little when multiplayer arrived but never much, I just couldn't get hooked. And then two months ago I started a new game and... I got hooked again? I'm on year 7 and I just bought the Gold Clock, which I think I never did even in my first game? Well I guess I didn't really see the appeal before because I had never even cleaned my farm completely, it was always partly a forest, but this time I got motivated and made a pretty farm! I hope I'll be able to show it to you, but currently my in-game screenshot function is not working :/

Well, back to the game... Happy to be here!


Welcome in! Congrats on getting the golden clock! It's so nice to hear the game you're clicking with the game this go around!