Solved [HELP] zoomed in too much??

Did you save the game ? If not, just quit should solve the issue.

If you have a controller (xbox for example), you can use it to change the settings.

Else, it is possible to edit the save game or to restore the previous save. (if two first lines didn't help you, I'll explain you how to)


Did you save the game ? If not, just quit should solve the issue.

If you have a controller (xbox for example), you can use it to change the settings.

Else, it is possible to edit the save game or to restore the previous save. (if two first lines didn't help you, I'll explain you how to)
yeah the first two didn't work


Local Legend
If you aren't playing on console you should be able to edit your save file. First: BACKUP YOUR SAVE FILES BEFORE EDITING THEM. If you open it up and do a search for "zoomLevel" you should find the bit. You'll see:<zoomLevel><zoomLevel> with a number between them. Change that number to "1.0". Then save and exit. Reload your save in the game, and things should be back to normal.
If you aren't playing on console you should be able to edit your save file. First: BACKUP YOUR SAVE FILES BEFORE EDITING THEM. If you open it up and do a search for "zoomLevel" you should find the bit. You'll see:<zoomLevel><zoomLevel> with a number between them. Change that number to "1.0". Then save and exit. Reload your save in the game, and things should be back to normal.
Save files are here : C:\Users\TheFireNight\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves (change TheFireNight by your username)
I dont think ZoomLevel will help you. I'm trying to find which parameter corresponds the ui scale.


Save files are here : C:\Users\TheFireNight\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves (change TheFireNight by your username)
I dont think ZoomLevel will help you. I'm trying to find which parameter corresponds the ui scale.
It took me a hot second but I figured it out. Thanks for the help!
There is the values to change : <localCoopDesiredUIScale>1.5</localCoopDesiredUIScale> and <uiScale>1.5</uiScale> (maybe 1.5 is different for you)

Change value to 1.0 :)


Save files are here : C:\Users\TheFireNight\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves (change TheFireNight by your username)
I dont think ZoomLevel will help you. I'm trying to find which parameter corresponds the ui scale.
For those of you who can't get to the save files this way (like i did), press the windows button and R at the same time and then type in %appdata%\StardewValley\Saves, and then click OK