Question Help With My SMAPI Errors


I'm feeling really incapable of figuring this out. Maybe it's all the kids' health issues/surgeries. Maybe it's all the phone trees with insurance companies, therapists, and doctors. But I feel like SMAPI is speaking to me in the same language any adult in any Charlie Brown special uses.

Specifically, these are what I'm concerned with :

[Producer Framework Mod] Mod 'CopperSun.FruitVeggieRocksHoneyPFM' can't override mod 'CopperSun.FruitTreeHoneyPFM' config for producer 'Bee House'. This rule will be ignored.
[Producer Framework Mod] The ProducerName property can't be null or empty. This rule will be ignored.

[Content Patcher] The mod 'Spouses' Island' added custom token 'mistyspring.spousesisland/AllowChildren', which failed and may not work correctly. See the log for details.
especially the top one since I can't even figure out which mod to ask for help from.

Talk to me like I'm 49 and with small children from the time I wake up ... or like I'm 4.

Thanks for any help.