Windows [HELP] Windows 11 updated and version 1.5.6 Hotfix #3 Multi-player issue


Is it bad timing or a known issue? I just had a fourth player join my farm after the others had been playing for about a year. When we are trying to play co-op mode, one of my players ends up with an issue of not being able to join my game. "Connection failed." For some reason, lately the game will start with a screen that offers to let them Join LAN Game, Enter Invite Code or ReJoin/Refresh.
The ReJoin is new to us; this option didn't show up in the previous year and a half three of us played together. Now, my newest player thinks she broke the game; I keep reassuring her that's not the case but don't know whether this is tied to recent updates of Windows 11, trying to play wireless, (both of these players are on LapTops), Stardew Valley updates or something different.
Can somebody help four 60+ year old women understand?
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