Android [HELP] Trouble running game


I bought this game on Steam about 2 years ago. I just downloaded Steam onto my phone trying to play but the game wont load for some reason. I was wondering if it would still work through Steam on my phone or would I need to download off of google play store?


I bought this game on Steam about 2 years ago. I just downloaded Steam onto my phone trying to play but the game wont load for some reason. I was wondering if it would still work through Steam on my phone or would I need to download off of google play store?
you'll have to get it from the playstore! I don't think steam mobile app does mobile games it's just for chatting!


Staff member
Chililover is correct, the Steam mobile app is not a game store and Steam does not sell mobile games. However, Steam does have an app called Steam Link, which will allow you to stream games from your PC to your phone. However, I'd recommend just getting the game from the Play Store, as the mobile version of Stardew is specifically built for mobile.