PC [HELP] Save File Gone


So my computer crashed and now only one of my save files shows up. The file that is gone has more than 95 hours on it. What do I do? I have tried everything. Is it a lost hope?


If you go up a level (back to your main Saves folder) and right click on the KnottsBerry folder that has those files in it, there should be an option like "compress" or "archive" or even "zip". I forget what it looks like 😅 It will make a new folder that's like a single file all packed up, and you can upload that here to this thread.


Oh no 😦 I'm so sorry, this save is totally fried. I don't suppose you have steam cloud saves on? (Although I've probably run into more troubles WITH them...)


I don't think I do because I don't really know what that is haha. Thank you for your help. Do you know how this could have happened?


I don't think I do because I don't really know what that is haha. Thank you for your help. Do you know how this could have happened?
I'm not sure - it's weird and unfortunate, since if your PC crash corrupted your current save I would have still hoped the old one was intact enough for undoing the last day to work. I guess it's possible that something could have gone wrong with the undoing process and you ended up without the old one to fall back on.

I just messed around and found out i do gave it on
Okay, so... this is a slim hope because it's possible that a) it just has your corrupted save ( and that that's why it didn't just fix itself) or even that b) it's the reason it got corrupted in the first place (or synced when you tried to undo the day, or...) but!

Here's an article explaining how to download your cloud saves. If you can find anything downloadable, you could try overwriting your current saves manually in the folder.

(Either way, and I know this is no consolation now, but if you install SMAPI (even if you choose not to use any mods), it will automatically install a small utility mod that makes a backup of your save once a RL day and keeps up to 10 of them at at time. There's a mod support subforum if you ever want to try doing that, as well as a friendly modding community on Discord.)

Travis Travis

This entire page was a life saver! I downloaded the game a week ago, and got about 70 hours of playtime on my save. When I went to boot up the game, I wasn't able to find my save. I started panicking and just opening and closing the game to try to get my save back, but it didn't work. When I looked for options to try to see how I could get my save back, I found this page! My day is more than made


I am currently having this issue and nothing I do seems to help. The only save file that never gets deleted is uh…not stable (the greenhouse floats under a waterfall and I can’t access it, trees grow on fences, etc). I’ve tried all of this and I can’t get my other saves back. The files are still there though