Issue [HELP] Problem with Fashion Sense Mod


Hi! I'm on Windows, Game Version is 1.6.5, Mod version is 4.0.7, and Fashion Sense is also the updated version. Whenever I open up the game, I'm currently getting:

[Fashion Sense] Issue with Harmony patching: System.NullReferenceException: Null method for PeacefulEnd.FashionSense
at HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch()
at FashionSense.Framework.Patches.Menus.SaveFileSlotPatch.Apply(Harmony harmony) in C:\Users\Floogen\Documents\GitHub Repos\FashionSense\FashionSense\Framework\Patches\Menus\SaveFileSlotPatch.cs:line 21
at FashionSense.FashionSense.Entry(IModHelper helper) in C:\Users\Floogen\Documents\GitHub Repos\FashionSense\FashionSense\FashionSense.cs:line 114

Does anyone have a clue on what I should do? Any advice is helpful. Please and Thank you for you time.