PC [HELP] No Suitable Graphics Card Error


On Feb 28, I bought sdv on my new computer. I have it on the switch, but wanted to play on PC as well. I got it off of steam and played for about 30 minutes, then closed the game because I was done for the night. The next day, I went to go play again, but got the "missing executable error" from steam. Tried every solution I could find and none of them worked.

Today (mar 4) I asked steam for a refund and then bought it from GOG, thinking maybe that would help. I was wrong. Now I am getting a "no suitable graphics card" error. I have also tried everything I can to fix it, but nothing is working. I'm not sure how I could have played it one day and now suddenly I am getting all of these errors. I saw that it seems to be common error, but nothing seems to be recent.

If anyone knows how to help, it would be super appreciated. Even if someone gave me somewhere to contact to get it fixed. Thanks!
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Is this the error in your logs?
Message: Failed to create graphics device!
InnerException: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: MonoGame requires either ARB_framebuffer_object or EXT_framebuffer_object.Try updating your graphics drivers.