Windows [HELP] Lost Save File


My friend and I started a save which i was the host and played it for some hours, and next day we decided to start a new save (i was the host again). We played on our second save for days. There was no problem, i was clicking on the co-op button, clicking host and selecting the new save (the first one was also there). And yesterday, we wanted to play but our new save was not there. It's just dissapeared, i checked my AppData/Roaming/StardewWalley file and my friend checked his, but the save is completely lost. What should we do?

Here is some details
-I was playing with Geforce Now, i downloaded the game to a computer and checked the files there.
-We were not playing for 1-1.5 weeks, when we cameback it was lost. (In this gap, i changed my geforce now account but not my steam account, just geforce now.)