Windows [HELP] Latency to the second player in local/split-screen co-op


  • Explain the issue: Whenever I play the game on split-screen locally (without steam's remote play) there's a small but noticeable latency between the first player who "hosts" the world and the second player. I'll attach an image that shows the discrepancy between the players when walking together. This is not an input latency issue, since both characters respond to input immediately, but it feels like the player on the left side act as a server and the player on the right side as a client with significant latency between them. While this is absolutely meaningless most of the time, when in combat in the caverns the second player often is trying to hit an enemy that is already on top of them - a slime, for example, when jumping on them will have already hit the player on the host's side but still be charging the attack on the right player's side for a fraction of a second. I am unsure if this is a bug but it is often frustrating when I can't push off enemies soon enough as the second player.
  • Game version: 1.5.6
  • In-game language: Portuguese.
  • Single-player or multiplayer: Split-screen multiplayer.
  • Anything else you think might be relevant: It also happens on LAN games, in a theoretically sub-millisecond latency tested with ping on command prompt.

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