No, a real problem is that you're assigning motive without looking further. You're saying CA doesn't provide any support, and that's a pretty strong declaration to make when there is evidence to the contrary.
And your bringing up numbers? That's just a distraction. You don't know the logistics behind the scenes, and neither do I except that CA is one person, but you're here to convince others that your judgmental interpretation of things is the only way to look at it, and that is, as I said, a very cynical approach to things.
Oh, and you do know that CA doesn't port the game from PC to Xbox and others, right? That's done by someone else, and those are just part of that version of the game. Even when that's the case, looking back through things we can still see CA getting many of the bugs fixed that only afflicted folks on other platforms.
I'm sorry, but no, I think it's you that isn't helping. You may think you are, but you're not communicating respectfully with the content creator to help get these issues fixed. No, you're just coming here to complain, hoping others will agree with you.