Solved [HELP] Getting a Tea Plant


I am well beyond Caroline's second heart and I cannot see a way to get a Tea Plant other than hoping one becomes available randomly form one of the Carts. I do not see it as a Craftable item.

Is there any other way to get one?

Running the latest version on a Nintendo Switch.


I think I have the same issue. I maxed out all the hearts for the villagers before the 1.4 update, and I haven't gotten any letter from Caroline since then.

Have you tried talking to Caroline, to see if that triggers the letter? I don't have time to try that now, but it's the only thing I can think of that might work.
Can tea leaves be put in a seed maker? If so just have tea plants in your greenhouse. I am not sure if you can or not.
On this the wiki is silent.:hmm:


One Tea Bush exists inside of Caroline's sunroom, and can also be harvested the last week of each season.