PC [HELP] Game Crash


Hello, my game keeps crashing as I try to sleep to the next day. It will crash as soon I as sleep. And then when I start the game back up my character will have no energy, items in my house will be in my pockets and other items will be moved around the house. It will be the same day as it was before I went to sleep so the day doesn’t change to the next. Please help. Also I play on PC with no mods.


Can you check for a crash log and upload it here? On Windows it would be in %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs (the folder above it is the same one your saves are in), on Mac ~/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs and on Linux ~/.local/share/StardewValley/ErrorLogs.

(If you were using or have ever used any mods, there should be a SMAPI log in the error logs folder that you can share via this site.)