PS4 [HELP] Controller lag in 3 player local.


Hey everyone. I have always used two Dualshock 4s and a wired controller for split screen on my ps4 pro.

But recently my daughter has grown and doesn't need the PlayStation small controller and we all wanted another wireless controller. We decided to buy a third party controller (xbox layout but made for ps4). It's wireless and works great solo or with two player. But when we connect two ds4s and the other controller one of the ds4s will start to lag really bad and basically jump around everywhere. Walking a is delayed and jumpy. Using bumpers will not move, or jump 3-4 slots in one tap. It even lags if you push the home button and go in those menus. And it's only one controller that lags. Random which one it is too.

It feels like it's too congested and can't register the inputs quickly or accurately. I don't have another ds4 to try and see if it still messes up. But like I said with just the third party and one dualshock 4. It works just fine. And we're just fine if I'm using just it. But when I pay all three, that's when one of the dualshocks will start lagging. I have tried on Minecraft and Overcooked and everything works great there with all three.

Any tips?