PC [HELP] Controller for 1 player?


I vastly prefer playing my SDV on a controller, but it seems as though controller use has been locked to a co-op partner. Is there anything I can do to remedy this? I am using a SnakeByte Game:Pad 4S wired PS4 controller mapped to XInput 360 controller mappings with DS4Windows. I previously used a Hori Minipad 4 for the same purpose, with the same software.

I can confirm that both modded and unmodded, I cannot play my single player with the controller, but I can join in as a co-op partner and the controller functions fine for that purpose. Is it possible that DS4Windows no longer having Exclusive Mode (which masks the presence of the PS4 controller so the computer only sees the emulated X360 controller) is causing this problem?

Problem solved! For some reason, Windows was detecting my controller as two devices. Disabling one of them fixed it.
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