PS4 [HELP] Constant disconnecting Playstation co op



My husband and I started playing just over a week ago on PlayStation - we absolutely love it, however we are experiencing a high level of disconnecting which is really ruining our enjoyment. We appear to randomly get kicked from our session and lose entire day's worth of progress.

Our Internet connection is stable, with fast speed and our consoles are connected via Ethernet cable. Our Internet does not drop nor does our connection to PSN. When I do a test after a session kick everything appears to be in order.

Does anyone have any advice? I have yet to try any changes to DNS for example.

I really do wish LAN was an option on console. Borderlands 2 gave us the same problem but LAN fixed it.

Any suggestions welcome!

Edit: I may be speaking too soon, but I did change our console DNS settings to the Google public options instead of automatic. We played for about 2 hours with 0 disconnections. We have played a couple of hours without it happening before though, so not sure if this has actually fixed it. (We are in the UK.)

Edit 2: we managed a couple of sessions with no issue but it happened again today. Really not sure what else to do! It adds a layer of stress as we don't know when we might lose entire day's of progress.
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