PC HELP - Co op Journal entries missing for non host



I've read through missing save game troubleshooting guide, but my exact scenario wasn't covered there. I searched around for this exact scenario, and if it's out there, I may have missed it.

My wife and I are playing StardewValley Co op on PC on Steam. Windows 10. We started last night, and we both had the intro quests like Introductions etc. I had 2 quests in my journal when we logged last night, and we saw the "your progress has been saved" message complete.

Today when I fired it up, and joined her running game, it still had my character it's level progress etc, But I no longer have any quests in my journal.

I went into my %appdata%\StardewValley\Saves and it only shows my single player saves in there.

Is this a known issue? Do I need to enable anything on my end, or on my wifes end, in order for my character to have a persistent Journal? Would be unfortunate to miss out on quests that can be completed in a single night, on our first joint play through.

Please let me know what other information I can provide to help.




I've read through missing save game troubleshooting guide, but my exact scenario wasn't covered there. I searched around for this exact scenario, and if it's out there, I may have missed it.

My wife and I are playing StardewValley Co op on PC on Steam. Windows 10. We started last night, and we both had the intro quests like Introductions etc. I had 2 quests in my journal when we logged last night, and we saw the "your progress has been saved" message complete.

Today when I fired it up, and joined her running game, it still had my character it's level progress etc, But I no longer have any quests in my journal.

I went into my %appdata%\StardewValley\Saves and it only shows my single player saves in there.

Is this a known issue? Do I need to enable anything on my end, or on my wifes end, in order for my character to have a persistent Journal? Would be unfortunate to miss out on quests that can be completed in a single night, on our first joint play through.

Please let me know what other information I can provide to help.

I haven't tried co-op for more than about 30 seconds, yet, but i would assume that your save is on her side, not your own side. This would be done to prevent cheating. I don't know about the journal, specifically, though. If the save isn't there, but your levels are, that means the save is most likely on her side. I'm not sure how the journal works, but my guess is that it does rely on the host intentionally, especially since the host, i assume, can play without the others present. If you want, i could start my server and we can test it on a dummy world.


Staff member
Kohlrak is correct that if your wife is hosting, there's just the one save file on her device that handles all players on that save. Are either of you playing with any mods? And were any of the quests from the town's bulletin board? Bulletin board quests expire after two in-game days and will disappear. However, quests like the Introductions one shouldn't be doing that, and quests are per player in multiplayer.


The quests were the introduction and one other from the mailbox, but I forget which. It makes sense that the save is on her side. I decided to go look at the list of everyone you are supposed to talk to, and I know I never visited the wizard, as I haven't been to his tower, nor had the pre-req quest that leads up to it. So I am confident I didn't complete this quest and not notice it.

Odin, we are not running in mods. These are fresh install on steam. I'll test this again with the next quest I get in game. I'll wait for it to indicate "your progress has been saved" when I go to sleep with an active quest, then log out and back in, and see if it is still there.

Are there any known issues related to journal entries going missing for the "guest"player where they are not bulletin board quests?



Staff member
I know I never visited the wizard, as I haven't been to his tower, nor had the pre-req quest that leads up to it.
The wizard actually isn't required for the Introduction quest as you can't visit him until he sends you that letter. I can't say I've heard of this bug before, but if you are able to reproduce the issue, your wife could upload the save to the forums which would be a big help.


Hmm, 2 guides online indicate he is required for the introductions quest. If that's not the case, it's possible I completed it without knowing, so long as the completion didn't require any interaction on my part in the Journal, to fully complete the quest. Like when you have to "accept" the gold from when you give Robin her axe back. I don't recall any interaction or status of completion for the introductions quest.

If I run into this again tonight, I will post the save game and update the thread. Appreciate the insight and help!

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Staff member
Yeah, the quest will complete as soon as you speak to the last person, and it should add a followup quest to your journal called "How to Win Friends " that requires you give a gift to someone. That one you would have had to manually complete by opening your journal though.


Hmm, 2 guides online indicate he is required for the introductions quest. If that's not the case, it's possible I completed it without knowing, so long as the completion didn't require any interaction on my part in the Journal, to fully complete the quest. Like when you have to "accept" the gold from when you give Robin her axe back. I don't recall any interaction or status of completion for the introductions quest.

If I run into this again tonight, I will post the save game and update the thread. Appreciate the insight and help!

IIRC, it's not even possible to meet the wizard until after Introductions is complete, because meeting him requires a few quests in particular to be complete, which might require that Introductions be complete to start, but i'm not 100% sure.


Staff member
IIRC, it's not even possible to meet the wizard until after Introductions is complete, because meeting him requires a few quests in particular to be complete, which might require that Introductions be complete to start, but i'm not 100% sure.
You can certainly still have the introduction quest running by the time you meet the Wizard, the requirements for meeting him are just getting a letter the day after the Community Center cutscene which can happen on Spring 5 or later.


I tested it again recently, and a quest Raising Animals didn't save.

When I view the save game files on her side, it shows her as Player and myself as farmhand. She has all the active quests in her ingame journal in her data in the file, but under my farmhand section, there isn't any data about any quests. It has item data and data about the character.

Should it be saving quest data for "farmhands"?

Does the method of joining matter? I've joined mostly by clicking on her name in steam and hitting join game, but today I tested via invite code, with the same result.


Is this the official site for Stardew Valley?

I see a thread on https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-multiplayer-known-issues-fixes.147892/ and it appeared to have a lot of involvement troubleshooting issues, but a mod there indicated the devs no longer read that forum for anything other than iOS and to post bugs and help questions on this reddit thread of which I see that you are a moderator Odin.

I found 2 posts on the first thread that sound very similar in nature to my issue:

jsg388s post

and FatBlackChocobos post
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Staff member
Should it be saving quest data for "farmhands"?

Does the method of joining matter? I've joined mostly by clicking on her name in steam and hitting join game, but today I tested via invite code, with the same result.
I would imagine it would save it under there, farmhands is the term for players that aren't the host. And the method of joining shouldn't affect anything afaik.

Is this the official site for Stardew Valley?

I see a thread on https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-multiplayer-known-issues-fixes.147892/ and it appeared to have a lot of involvement troubleshooting issues, but a mod there indicated the devs no longer read that forum for anything other than iOS and to post bugs and help questions on this reddit thread of which I see that you are a moderator Odin.

I found 2 posts on the first thread that sound very similar in nature to my issue:

jsg388s post

and FatBlackChocobos post
It is the official site, yes! There is also a Stardew forum on the CF forums as you note, and yes, at this point CF is only the publisher for Stardew on mobile, so that's a good spot for mobile bugs. This forum is actually only about a month old, so that link to the reddit is probably from before this forum was created. We do need to update a few things on the subreddit to direct people here.