PS4 HELP/BUG - "Share Play" No Longer Works After Latest Update


I recently got back into SDV after the 1.5 update. While it was downloading to my system, I had used Share Play (SP from now on) to show off the game to a few of my friends, convincing them to purchase it to play with me. We've two other friends who were wanting to watch us play as of late, but after installing the 1.5 update on my PS4, it does not appear to let any of us host a SP session with SDV. It does not matter if the SP is started before or after SDV is launched, the result is the same - the SP will instantly end after saying they're connected. At first I thought it was a "me" issue, but none of my friends can host for SDV either, and we all tested with other games and we can join no issue.

I'm unsure if this was intended or not, but it's a real bummer. It prevents me from showing off the game to friends so they can purchase, and it also removes the ability for me to have someone watch while I play so we can just chit chat and see the same thing.

No error code is generated - it simply goes: Player 1 has invited Player 2 to the SP. Player 2 has accepted the SP invitation. Player 2 is joining your SP session. Player 2 had joined your SP session. Player 2 has left your SP session. SP connection lost.

EDIT: I had posted this over on Reddit as well hoping for some feedback and/or resolutions if anyone else had encountered this. Many people were suggesting it was an issue with Share Play itself as SP has been having issues lately. I originally thought that as well - except I can SP 5 other games (COD, Minecraft, Beholder, Fall Guys, and Overcooked 2) with NO issues. It's only when it's SDV, and I can actually SP one of those games and then try to switch to SDV, and the connection is lost immediately upon starting SDV. Exiting SDV and trying to SP again will result in a successful SP with any other game.
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