Headcanons and Worldbuilding


Agreed! Imagine if his parents came down to Pelican Town to visit him. I'm sure they'd faint at the sight of the farmer in all their messy glory!
I want Elliot to become a big successful author and he upgrade his shake. But his family is still embarrassed and don't understand simple living. Over a heart event you can make a good impression and they come around that Elliot is happy and dosen't need their handouts.


Random headcanons:

  • Shane- (aside from the canon that he loves chickens, beer, pizza and peppers) He likes dogs- he likes breeds that are good at guarding livestock, especially chasing after foxes that might sneak into a chicken coop! Also- he's actually a decent cook, he's just lazy. Why spend an hour cooking dinner when you could just get a pizza?

  • Elliot secretly wants a pet, but he gets so hyperfocused on his writing that he's afraid he'd be a neglectful pet owner- after all, he can barely take care of a rose! He's delighted when/if he marries/dates the farmer and gets to pet their cat/dog!

  • My personal headcanon about Penny is a bit depressing,
    I can't help but feel Penny wants to get away from Pam sometimes when she can't deal with the drinking- she loves her mom, but feels like her mom has forgotten her in her own depression, so she volunteered to teach Vince and Jas in order to have an excuse to get out of the trailer and have some space away from her mom.

  • Haley will never admit it, but Emily sews a LOT of her clothes, and every morning, she asks Emily to consult her horoscope for her. Her trips to the city are "scouting missions," which leads to my headcanon about Emily- Emily is a whiz seamstress who can make a designer dress from photos and measurements for a FRACTION of the cost, and she makes a lot of clothes for Haley because it brings them closer together.


I had no idea what head cannon meant until I read the replies. I get it now. I have to disagree slightly on the ages. Maybe its being close to 50 myself, but Haley, Alex, Penny, and Sam read late teens to very early 20’s, Sam being the oldest. Maru seems very early 20’s as does Abigail. Sebastian and Emily are in their early to mid 20’s. Shane, late 20’s, but I’d definitely put Leah and Elliott in their 30’s. Elliot has enough savings to live on while he writes and Leah has a particular type of confidence most common to people in their 30’s. I’d bet Harvey is close to 40. They’re all still too young for me IRL.

But I do agree that the real enemy seems to be the Joja Corporation. I wonder if our enemy in the war are actually the bad guys.

I do hope for a happy ending for Clint, maybe because he’s the closest to my actual age!


I had no idea what head cannon meant until I read the replies. I get it now. I have to disagree slightly on the ages. Maybe its being close to 50 myself, but Haley, Alex, Penny, and Sam read late teens to very early 20’s, Sam being the oldest. Maru seems very early 20’s as does Abigail. Sebastian and Emily are in their early to mid 20’s. Shane, late 20’s, but I’d definitely put Leah and Elliott in their 30’s. Elliot has enough savings to live on while he writes and Leah has a particular type of confidence most common to people in their 30’s. I’d bet Harvey is close to 40. They’re all still too young for me IRL.

But I do agree that the real enemy seems to be the Joja Corporation. I wonder if our enemy in the war are actually the bad guys.

I do hope for a happy ending for Clint, maybe because he’s the closest to my actual age!
It's so cool that there's such a variety of age groups playing Stardew Valley! And yes, Clint definitely deserves to get a happy ending.