Headcanons and Worldbuilding


Hello! I would like to hear about your personal headcanons for Stardew Valley! It could be another anything, like the bachelors/bachelorettes or the world itself. I'll list some of mine.
If you don't know what a headcanon is, you'll need to know about canon first. Canon is a true fact based on events or details in the game, such as Robin being a carpenter or Lewis and Marnie having an affair. A headcanon is when you take something from canon and add to that. For example, a headcanon would be that Emily knows CLint has a crush on her but chooses to ignore it and continue being friends with him.
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- Sebastian owns an electric motorcycle instead of a traditional one. I mean, have you seen how expensive they can be? No one in Pelican Town seems to be especially rich (save for the Mayor and his golden statue maybe), so he would have gone with the cheaper option.
- Every time you pass out in Skull Cavern, Harvey says someone's found you. But who would venture deep down into those dangerous mines? My guess is that Mr. Qi is just constantly watching you, and every time you pass out he's like, "Seriously? Again?", and goes to rescue you.
- In one of the seasons, Abigail will head into the forest to stand under the Wizard's tower. If we were to follow the theory that Abigail is the Wizard's daughter, this results in me believing that she knows who her real father is, and although she loves her current family, she's curious about the Wizard.


I had tried to work out the ages of the possible spouses in the game:

:emily: Emily - 25, works at bar, older sister, owns home.
:haley: Haley - 18, popular in high school (probably just graduated), friends with older Alex.

:leah: Leah - 28, regular at Saloon, friends with Elliot (also older), owns home.

:abigail: Abigail - 22, goes to Saloon and friends with multiple patrons, still lives at home.

:maru: Maru - 19, never in Saloon, helicopter dad, "bright future", friends with Penny, older than Haley, still lives at home.
:penny: Penny - 19, never in Saloon, probably same age as Maru, friends with Maru, older than Haley, still lives at home.

:alex: Alex - 21, at the Saloon once in a cutscene, friends with Haley (ran in same circle in high school).

:elliott: Elliott - 30, Friends with Leah, home owns on beach front, secret note #7 "older bachelor".

:harvey: Harvey - 33, doctor, fitness becoming difficult, secret note #7 "older bachelor".

:sam: Sam - 23, friends with Sebastian, younger than Shane but older than Alex.
:sebastian: Sebastian - 23, friends with Sam, younger than Shane but older than Alex.

:shane: Shane - 28, alcoholic, burnt out at his job, secret note #7 "older bachelor" but younger than Elliot.
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It's not really related to Pelican Town specifically, but as it seems that Stardew Valley takes place in a different world of sorts, I find amusement in wondering about their world and its geopolitics (the Gotoro Empire, the Gem Sea, Zuzu City, etc). One of my personal wishes for the game would be adding a world map as a decoration or something!

Because of Joja's role in whatever nation Pelican Town and Zuzu City are in, and Kent's backstory and such, I imagine it's an almost dystopian sort of setting, that maybe the Gotoro Empire is relatively benevolent compared to its enemy and that one of the primary reasons Pelican Town seems like such a sanctuary is because it's just that; one of the remaining spots in the country that isn't industrialized and gloomy. Not very cheery, but it makes me appreciate the game itself more.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Here's some personal headcanons I have:

- Seb was born with red hair like Robin, but dyed it later
- Penny used to play Solarion Chronicles with Sam & Sebastian
- Robin is one of the few of the villagers who have seen the junimos, due to her work. Unsure if she really knows what they are though
- Caroline is the Wizard's daughter
- Pelican Town used to be a mining town and lot busier than it currently is, probably damaged due to war, a modernizing world, and of course, monsters
- Magic is something forgotten in modern cities, making Pelican Town a bit more unique than most

My age headcanons:

Abigail- 21
Alex - 20
Elliott - 28
Emily - 29
Haley - 21
Harvey- 30
Maru- 22
Leah - 27
Penny - 22
Sam - 22
Sebastian - 25
Shane - 27


I like to think that the Dwarf is the town cryptid. Haley keeps trying to get a good picture of them when they show up at night to rummage for things, but the pictures always either come out too dark, too blurry, or something in the shot is obscuring the Dwarf. So imagine the first time the Dwarf shows up in broad daylight, either at the Farmer's wedding, or going to the movies with the Farmer. And of course Haley doesn't have her camera. "You've GOT to be kidding me."

As for ages, I don't see any of the bachelors or bachelorettes as younger than 21. I say that because most of them either like or love alcoholic beverages. There are exceptions, of course, like Penny, who clearly hates alcohol for personal reasons, and Sebastian, who probably just doesn't like to drink.
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I think Solarion Chronicles is a really big fairy tale; it comes in different forms. Children's books, young adult fiction, board games. I don't know what age group the book of the Solarion Chronicles in Penny's room is for.
This! What with it being probable that Stardew Valley is somewhat dystopian and Pelican Town magical, I can totally imagine the Solarion Chronicles in all its forms (from board games to literature to simple fables) being based on some older version of the world. Especially with the existence of the Junimos, the Dwarf, the Wizard, etc...


This! What with it being probable that Stardew Valley is somewhat dystopian and Pelican Town magical, I can totally imagine the Solarion Chronicles in all its forms (from board games to literature to simple fables) being based on some older version of the world. Especially with the existence of the Junimos, the Dwarf, the Wizard, etc...
It seems to be fantasy/sci-fi in the heart event. That's kinda meta of SDV.


Some education headcanons!
- The residents who have lived in Pelican Town their entire life were homeschooled up until middle school. Then they went to a nearby school in a bigger suburban town. Pam would drive them to school every day on the bus. Of course, they all pretended not to know each other in public.
- The closest college is in Zuzu City, which is far away enough that they would have to live in dormitories. So instead, they take online classes and stay at home.
- Joja runs the world, right? So instead of programs like Google Docs or Office 365, you have Joja Docs and Joja Excel.
I have ideas for the bachelors and bachelorettes that I'll post separately so this isn't too long!


- Leah recently changed jobs since she wasn't really displaying her sculptures before you came and because her ex still contacts her, she moved pretty recently, maybe two or three years ago. Before she was working as an architect. She's kind of like the farmer in the sense that she quit her job to pursue her passion and reconnect with nature. I would not be surprised if Joja Architecture was a thing.
- Abigail is studying business management so she can take over Pierre's. Since Joja shuts down, they'll most likely have to expand their shop.
- Penny and Maru go to the same college. Penny will go to the library in the morning and Gunther's saved a quiet spot in the corner for her so she can work. Maru can work in her room or the lab at home. When they sit together, they discuss their classes and help each other out with homework.
- Hayley goes to an art school as opposed to Penny and Maru's STEM-based school. Emily went there too, but since she's older she's already graduated. Haley takes photography and Emily's apprenticing under a tailor for a tailor-specific diploma.


- Shane moved in as a teenager when Jas' parents died, and dropped out once he started drinking. He worked at Joja in school and just continued to. He never went to college because he didn't believe he could actually do it. After his counseling and encouragement from Marnie and Jas ("We can do homework together Uncle Shane!"), he gets his GED. I don't know if he would go to college or what he would major in. Maybe sociology or psychology?
- Harvey was the one who would teach them in the back of Pierre's, where the women do yoga now. By the time most of them got to middle school, he was off to college and medical school, so he had no time.
- The farmer majored in finance of some kind (accounting, economics, etc...), Elliot was a literature major, Harvey did biology and then went to medical school.
- Sebastian said he didn't go to college but he did take programming courses. Jodi sends Vincent to tutoring with Penny, so I'm assuming that she's also making Sam take classes, maybe in something he doesn't enjoy or is embarrassed by, so he doesn't talk about it. Same with Alex. His grandparents wanted him to have something to fall back on, so he's in kinesiology (the study of human movement), which is still sports related!


The age thing is really difficult to me, because they all seem a little to immature and mature at the same time. I guess they all have so dense yet somewhat unexplored story lines that the age factor is little difficult to point out.
Some of them do have some clues, and those are my toughts on it:
Lewis: he wants to be governor, see how he dresses in Emily clothing experiment? He wish, with the money he take from the taxes and spend on gold statues he gould just own the freaking valley all together.
Elliot: Pose as a highly eloquent gentleman, but actually never been to college, he just read a lot, and wished for a life more glamorous.
Sebastian: He hated that his mom married again, and even tought he thinks Demetrius is a nice guy, he actually doesnt enjoy the situation at all, thus, why he want to move to the city (wich, will never happen because he is actually to scared to take off).
Shane: Had abusive parents, relay on his aunt to a safe place. Love Jas as his own daughter, but doesnt know how to talk to her. Wants to be a good example for her.


Headcanon: Elliot is from a rich family because his clothes are nice and his vocabulary is elevated. He doesn't seem to have common skills like keeping basic houseplants alive.
Agreed! Imagine if his parents came down to Pelican Town to visit him. I'm sure they'd faint at the sight of the farmer in all their messy glory!