Has anyone laminated their game pieces?


Hi there! My partner just got me the board game for Christmas and, as a massive SV fan I'm really excited to play! I'm wondering if anyone has had success with laminating the cardboard game pieces like the crop tiles, ore, coins, player cards, etc. I know you can get replacements if they get damaged but I'd like to extend their life as much as possible, while also making them spill proof. Normally for laminating I'd just cover them in packing tape, but for this many I'll probably buy a small laminating machine.


My hubby also gave mine as a birthday gift so I get where you're coming from. But I think laminating the small cards will make it thicker; it probably won't fit nicely in the tray. But if that's not an issue, why not? :) As for the large cards, you might want to also consider card sleeves. As a personal rule tho, we try to not eat or place drinks near our board game table during a game. :)