Harvest Hands | Erntehelfer


Moin, ich habe 24 Iridiumspränkler im Einsatz. Leider kommt man fast nicht mir der Ernte hinterher. Gibt es einen Erntehelfer oder sowas?


Staff member
Hello, I have 24 Iridium sprinklers in use. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to keep up with the harvest. Is there a harvest helper or something?
Yes, once you've completed the community center, you will get a quest from the Wizard. Once you complete that request, there will be new buildings available for your farm.
One of those is the junimo hut, which you can place in the center of a crop field and your crops will be harvested. I hope that helps!


Ja, die Hütte kannst du beim Zauberer in dem Buch auswählen, auch wenn du den Jojamart unterstützt hast.

Yes, you can build it from the book behind the wizard. It doesn't matter if you completed the Joja warehouse or the community center.