-Haiii ♥!-


Hi everyone, i've been playing this game quite a while now and im realy happy playing this. How should i put this, well this game is basically my comfort game, i've found this game when i was going through a hard time so now when ever i play this game i feel at ease. Tho i have to admit in my play through so far playing alone could be realy boring and sad in this game as i have been doing just that.
Well thanks for listening i guess i just wanted to share my side of the story about this game, you guys can call me with my nick name :> ♥
Welcome to the forums!

Stardew is my comfort game too - it gets me through a lot of hard days. I used to play Minecraft a lot but it's stressful getting attacked by mobs all the time :)


Hello and welcome .. Hanging out in the valley has got me through some tough times to.. Definitely my comfort game aswell