Giving bouquet to non-romantic npcs


Lets say that we have a marriage canditate from the opposite sex.
And we have a 8 heart friend of the same sex.
Is there any gameplay difference if we dont give a bouquet to our friend since
there is no romantic interest ?
You don't have to give the bouquet at 8 hearts unless you want to advance to 10 hearts. Friendship with marriage candidates won't decay once you reach 8 hearts.


thank you all for the replies . So i hope that all that i lose are the related romantic events.
I'd be strange if there are for example bonuses for having 10 hearts with more that one npc when
at the same time the game would penalize the player if we express romantic interest (offer a bouquet) to more than one.


thank you all for the replies . So i hope that all that i lose are the related romantic events.
I'd be strange if there are for example bonuses for having 10 hearts with more that one npc when
at the same time the game would penalize the player if we express romantic interest (offer a bouquet) to more than one.
There are no penalties to dating more than one. There’s cutscene if you date all six of one gender, but it doesn’t have any lasting consequences.


I thought of another possible issue. If a player doesnt want to give the bouquet to more than one npc does that means that it will not be able to achieve permanent friendship (never losing friendship points) with bacherlors and bacheloretes ?


I thought of another possible issue. If a player doesnt want to give the bouquet to more than one npc does that means that it will not be able to achieve permanent friendship (never losing friendship points) with bacherlors and bacheloretes ?
No, just get them to eight hearts and they will stay there.