Solved Ginger Island parrot unlocks disappearing on random days


So I've played a bunch of the 1.5 update unlocking the parrot unlocks on Ginger Island and I've noticed that some of the unlocks either revert back to nothing (with no parrot at the location) or just doesn't appear there after unlocking it.

I have the Resort unlocked with the southeast shore open by spending the 20 Golden Walnuts, but before this option is open I would have to unlock the Farmhouse and I have....

But as you can see my farmhouse has reverted back to the original state. And also notice that I have unlocked the mailbox right next to it which is available after the Farmhouse is unlocked. This is pretty inconvenient because I store all my Ginger Island items in that farmhouse and use to sleep if I end up staying the night.

I do run Stardew Valley Expanded which seems to be related to a bug where using the Watering Can in the Dwarven Forge inside the Volcano would cause my character to freeze and deplete the Energy Bar but the time would continue until 2AM and the game resumes as normal.

The other locations that this happens to me are the Trader location and the bridge that goes to the Dig Site west of Professor Snail's tent, they just randomly disappear and I don't know if this is intended or a bug.


Creator & Developer
Staff member
I think I heard someone else say that this is an issue with the SVE mod, so I can't really provide support about that except to recommend playing vanilla for now until those bugs are fixed by the mod creator


The author is working on several fixes (I don't think he tracked down this specific one, it could be something with a parent framework as well) but there's a separate subforum for mod support :)

(I am losing my mind, and don't know where I am haha, I guess we were already moved :P )